I can remember one of my first carpentry jobs, back in the late 1980's. When we were cutting plywood for flooring we did this thing where we marked a line and then used a circular saw and cut at the line.
Tools required, circular saw, straight edge and pencil
Little did I know that in the future, I would need a special saw, and track for said saw, usually with a proprietary blade as well. All for the low, low cost of anywhere between $100 to $1,000.
I'm so glad things have gotten better, now I don't need the straight edge and pencil.
I don't know why people today think they need to get dead on perfect results with sheet goods. 99% of the time, the edge of the sheet is covered with some type of trim or moulding. A fraction of a mm variance, isn't going to make a difference one way or another in most cases.