chisel purchase

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Established Member
1 Jan 2010
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hi 1st post (although been lurking for a while)
i'm after a decent set of chisels and i'm thinking of either the C.I falls or A.I both from workshop heaven.
any thoughts on these or any other makes.

thanks in advance
clk230":19q3zzpx said:
hi 1st post (although been lurking for a while)
i'm after a decent set of chisels and i'm thinking of either the C.I falls or A.I both from workshop heaven.
any thoughts on these or any other makes.

thanks in advance

I haven't tried the C.I chisels. But the A.I ones are exceptionally good.
Yeah, I agree with Matty. I've got the AI bevel edge chisels and they are the D's B's.


I have been deliberating over the two for some time, and took the plunge last week, AI's for me , :D they are verrry nice!

Have to say , this woodworking is really bad for my bank balance, to start off with i was obsessed with 'cast' iron machines, so bought a full compliment of Wadkin machines, AGS12, 12x7 Planer, BRA400 etc.

But now I'm obsessed with decent handtools, I also felt I 'had' :roll: to have the scary sharp with Kell no3 MKII - what a perfect piece of engineering - a real credit to the man!

Got my eyes on yet more chisels, marking tools etc - bloomin workshop heaven! :shock:
Just think Liam...if you don't smoke and say someone does..say they smoke an average of one packet a day that is £5 ish.

SO....£35 per week or about £150 per month.

That amounts to some serious hand tools every year and it doesn't go up in smoke...

SOME habits are healthy for you...enjoy your collecting in peace....[cliche]you only live once and you can't take it with you.[/cliche] :D

Jim (ex smoker for nearly two years now!)
thanks for the reply's looks like the A.I's then is workshop heaven the best place to get them from ?
You may be able to buy direct, but workshop heaven is such a good shop, and matt is very helpful.

See if you can resist putting some other goodies in your basket!!!!
i'm a big fan of the AI chisels, got a good few of them :oops:

Also like to say what a great guy Matthew from workshop heaven is to deal with :D

well taken the plunge and ordered some A.I's and one c.i falls plus a few other bits all from workshop heaven.

thanks for the help
plenty of good chisels around, why not find some old ones and put some new handles on them or even make your own handles,
if your looking for quality second hand chisels why not check out some tool dealers who stock second hand tools.
I have some A/I chisls with different wood handles bubinga has a nice feel to it. Gary