Chisel /gouge sharpening

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3 Mar 2017
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Hi all I'm going to ask what to you is probably a stupid question.
Do wood turning chisels have a honing edge and a cutting edge like normal carpenters chisels?
I seem to make dust rather than shavings . As you can tell I'm a complete novice to wood turning.
Buy this before you go any further. ... &hs=Submit (I always advise that, as do many others - and that one is particularly cheap!) and if possible join or at least visit a club, it's hard trying to learn on your own. There are differences of opinion on honing - no one in our club hones regularly, in fact the vast majority never do it but some people here will differ - it doesn't make any of us right, mind. As to your question, no they don't have two bevels.
For woodturning I hone square end and skew chisels after sharpening but I don't hone gouges (tho I used to but realised it wasnt worth the effort). But that's just me.
Most turning tools have a single bevel and generally they are not honed. The reason most are not honed is because a) they need sharpening frequently and honing takes too long! and b) a honed edge although sharper will blunt faster than an unhoned edge.

A lot of my turning tools are used straight off the bench grinder but I do use a flat stone (diamond credit card sized) to sharpen scrapers to put a finer burr on them and to sharpen my skew chisels because for those I want the sharpest edge possible and I want a flat bevel instead of concave.

There is a school of thought that suggests using tools with two bevels or ones with convex bevels so I guess the real answer to your question is yes, no and maybe!
You see all kinds of grinds on wood turning tools, it's whatever works for the owner. You don't however need to hone turning tools though so most don't seem to bother.