Chippings - can the be used as mulch ?

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Oh my Gawd. Health and Safety for Bunnies now!
It's a good thing the local pets don't know about it, the local saw mill sells it at a pound a bin liner full, bring your own shovel and help yourself!

the thing to watch out for with small pets is mites whch you can still get from commercial bedding, though I don't really see how fresh wood chippings from a dried block of timber would have too many on. In young animals it's a few drops and they're gone, with an older animal it an be a really sad end. That said, I've decided to use my beech chippings under the strawberies now they are setting

Digit":1xg65f5n said:
Mowings can of course be composted and during the summer rot very rapidly, provided something like wood chippings are added to keep the mowings from settling into a compact mass.
If you have too many mowings Bug try using them as a mulch.


I have FAR more lawn than beds - I would be comprehensively over-mulched!

Apparently one of the turners in our club gave some shavings to his neighbour for their rabbit hutch. Unfortunately there were some padauk shavings in there and the white rabbit ended up dyed red :)
They didn't ask for shavings again
My shavings from the lathe and the P/T go to a couple of local horses, alomg with the occasional dog-end and/or bit of sandpaper, nobody's complained yet fortunately. Saw dust goes to a kitchen cabinet company who, in turn have it picked up by a local farmer for his dairy cows - bet they appreciate the change from MDC dust !
