As far as I know there aren't PC Users taking legislation against Apple, but then I don't know every PC user individualy so this a moot point.
I'm personaly not againt MS - I beleive this is Rogers argument, not mine, BUT MS are inconsistent. For example, they make MS Office for the MAC, they make Internet Explorer for the Mac, and they also make MSN Messenger, and Windows Media Player. SO if you are going to the effort of making those tools, why then restrict them so that you can't use them afterall? I'm refferring to Media Player here of course. Apple doesn't restirct it's use of iTunes or Quicktime for any platform that it's available on.
As i've said before, I don't personaly care about MS DRM as there are plenty of alternatives out there, my argument is more with the content prodividers, and they have a very closed minded policy to this considering there are open soure or cross platform choices.
My Solution would be for all the non-compatible users such as mac, linux, amiga (there are still some of the poor buggers out there) etc.. To lobby these providers to enter the spirit of non-proprietry delivery, in this day and age there is no need to exclude anyone on the net, it goes against it's whole ethos.
But I feel that MS should also enter the spirit of non-proprietry, for a business point of view, you then open up to a lot more of your customers, this current sort of behaviour is a clear attempt of monopolising an area of business where they leverage their vast influence over content providers to use their tools. Vista is only going to make this worse, but with the advent of the intel Mac and the growing maturity of Linux, hopefully these companies will realise there are real world alternatives, and we wont always be at the mercy of MS.
Rant over (good conversation by the way!)