I am looking to purchase a cbn grinding wheel 150mm x40x1/2 inch spindle are the cheaper ones any good and where is the best place two purchase them tyvm
Dunno, but the gent who gave a demo at West Oxfordshire Woodturners this week told us that a member of the club he attends has bought a cheap one from a Chinese seller & all the members are awaiting his feedback.I am looking to purchase a cbn grinding wheel 150mm x40x1/2 inch spindle are the cheaper ones any good and where is the best place two purchase them tyvm
I bought a cheap one from AliExpress, and it turns out that it's a diamond wheel, no CBN.Dunno, but the gent who gave a demo at West Oxfordshire Woodturners this week told us that a member of the club he attends has bought a cheap one from a Chinese seller & all the members are awaiting his feedback.
I can't remember exactly - around the £30 mark, I think, but as I said, it's not CBN. AliExpress seem to use the terms CBN and diamond interchangeably.Thanks for if you don't mind how much was it ty
No good for HSS, apparently. I'm putting mine in a drawer for 26 years, and then giving it to the wife on our wedding anniversary.So no good tyvm
I'd suggest Hope too.I think Simon Hope does them as well.
DIamond is no good for high speed grinding of any steel because the carbon from the diamond is dissolved into the iron in the steel at a temperature of around 150°C so the surface of the diamond is gradually depleted until there's nothing left. A similar chemical reaction happens with CBN (the next hardest thing to diamond) at around 750°C, which isn't normally reached so they last much longer than diamond.No good for HSS, apparently. I'm putting mine in a drawer for 26 years, and then giving it to the wife on our wedding anniversary.