Might have been catching any mice that were around.Just caught the apprentice sleeping on the job
I was offered a few of those for free I declined.I have been trying to lay a patio this weekend reusing 600x900 slabs AKA "cooncil slabs"
Having to relay some of them thar 'cooncil' slabs on my own, I found that my sack truck made a very good lifter/mover/relaying 'tool'.I have been trying to lay a patio this weekend reusing 600x900 slabs AKA "cooncil slabs" they are bloody heavy and bloody awkward even with two its stressful. 20kg of romanian rescue hound taking every opportunity to walk through the bedding, lie on the slabs etc was not the helping hand she thinks she is
Just caught the apprentice sleeping on the job,
That cat looks seriously unhappy, yet at the same time resigned to its lot. It could just be hungry of course lol.Glad I’m not the only one to have a furry apprentice…
View attachment 181898
Looks old.That cat looks seriously unhappy, yet at the same time resigned to its lot. It could just be hungry of course lol.
IIRC it was coming up to tea time and he wanted feeding. (Are ours the only cats who work on a 22 hour clock?)That cat looks seriously unhappy, yet at the same time resigned to its lot. It could just be hungry of course lol.
IIRC it was coming up to tea time and he wanted feeding. (Are ours the only cats who work on a 22 hour clock?)
@TRITON - He’s just turned six.
Here he is looking happier….
View attachment 181976
Looks like he/she is about to say:- "Leave me tools alone!"Glad I’m not the only one to have a furry apprentice…
View attachment 181898