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I have a tanged firmer chisel by Stevenson Mawhood & Co. with a Crown logo.
It's a weird shape , thinnish with a very slight curve inwards like an incannel gouge?

Found this on the web:
"The Bankruptcy Act, 1869.
In the County Court of Yorkshire, holden at Sheffield.
In the Matter of a Bankruptcy Petition against John
Parkinson Mawhoo1, of Brightfield House, Sharrowlane,
and carrying on business at Palm Tree Works,
Attereliffe. both in the parish of Sheffield, in the county
of York, Merchant and Steel File and Edge Tool Manufacturer,
trading as Stevenson, Mawhood, and Company,
bv Robert Smith, of Sheffield aforesaid, Iron Merchant..
UPON the hearing of this Petition this day, and upon
proof satisfactory to the Court of the debt of the Petitioner,
and of the trading, and of the act of Bankruptcy alleged
to have been committed by the said John Parkinson Mawhood
having been given, it is ordered that the said John
Parkinson Mawhood be, and he is hereby, adjudged bankrapt.—
Given under the Seal of the Court this 9th day of
July 1879. By the Court,
Thos. W. Badgers, Registrar.
The First General Meeting of the creditors of the said
John Parkinson Mawhood is hereby summoned to be held
at the County Court Hall, Bank-street, Sheffield aforesaid,
on the 21st day of July, 1879, at eleven o'clock in the
forenoon, and that the Court has ordered the bankrupt to
atteni thereat for examination, and to produce thereat a
statement of his affairs, as required by the statute.
Until the appointment of a Trustee, all persons -having in
their possession any of the effects of the bankrupt must
deliver them, and all debts due to the .bankrupt must be
paid, to the Registrar. Creditors must forward their
Proofs of Debts to the Registrar.
The Bankruptcy Act, 1869."

"The business was established by 1879, as manufacturers of steel files. By 1909 it was known as Mawhood Bros Ltd and in 1978 the business was bought out by Gordon Tools and closed down."

So from the above and the bankruptcy in 1879 - Stevenson Mawhood & Co. products were made before 1879?

My chisel is quite old then?

jimi43":2spdoo8o said:
Ah...but does any of this have anything to do with the mystery logo? :wink:

Caps and irons are the only link....


It doesn't really, does it. Except in a negative way, that despite our collective efforts to illuminate the bumpy careers of the Mawhood family, we have only come up with one trademark being used by them - the Palm Tree.*
We still have Andy's plane as the only (potential) link between the two marks.

If Mawhoods didn't make the cap iron for Andy's plane but bought it in from someone else, I suppose we have an argument in favour of the monument mark belonging to another Sheffield maker - but that would hardly be surprising, would it!

Does anyone here have any connection with the Hawley Trust at Sheffield? I suspect the answer may well be in their archive - but I'm not sure how to ask someone to have a look.

* Ok, make that two - they also used a parasol, as shown on the picture of the works. This is also illustrated in the booklet 'Trademarks on Base Metal Tableware' referred to earlier (which lists them erroneously as 'Mawbood')



  • Mawhood.JPG
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This is their earlier logo which looks like a crown to me?




Or is it a Palm tree in a crown??

I'm inclined not to put much importance to the cap iron mark appearing paired with a Mahwood iron - personally I reckon I've seen more double iron combos in wooden bench planes that have different manufacturers than ones that don't. Also, I'm still not able to shift the thought that the mystery mark isn't a British one at all, but Continental - and that cap iron isn't particularly helping to dispel that. I can't put my finger on why I'm thinking this, but it's a gut feeling that won't go away (and it's probably wrong, but there it is, yours to do with what you will)

Honestly, when (if) we ever get the answer, I shall fall upon the provider of same with gladsome cries of relief! :lol:
I think it's a palm tree on a stylised desert island...anyone else see it that way?

I feel for you ALF...I am as frustrated about this also because I have seen another one!

I just can't remember where! :cry:
