Canabis farms

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How will it take money away from criminal networks? The criminal gangs will legitimately sell cannabis and then fund their other criminal activities with that money.
If it was legalised and people were free to grow their own or buy from licensed suppliers, the price would drop. Less profit to be made, less incentive for the criminals.
Two statements from you with no qualification for either, how would it help? show me some peer reviewed research from a respected organisation which backs up your comment. As we all know Jacob the police are woefully underfunded, they don`t even scratch the surface when it comes to investigating drug gangs so you`re wrong again. I`m ducting out of this conversation now, it makes me aggressive when I read ******** statements like yours.
We agree that the police are underfunded, so why waste some of those funds on playing whack-a-mole in a battle they will never win? Free up those funds for other things, including caring for people who are harmed by misuse of drugs.
Having seen the long term brain damage done by cannabis use, there is no ways it should be legitimized. Like the gangs who bring people into the Uk on boats when is the government going to fully confront these criminals.
It sure done that Mike Tyson fella no good, obviously he musta hit rock bottom as he's seemingly selling the stuff too!
Take me back to the good ol' ninety's, we're not ready to see this yet!

In the UK and western world(inc the US) the normal, (and some might say encouraged) use of a relaxant that being alcohol, has left many in our multicultural societies unable to engage.

For example. Having a beer down the pub to relax after a week of work is the norm, but for our Muslim brothers, they simply cannot, at least publicly. Cannabis there is the choice of relaxant, but it is illegal in many countries especially the UK

Were it to be legalized, that section of our society could partake in 'coffeehouses' as a way of relaxing after a long day or weeks work.
I think that would do far more beneficially for our communities, than a blanket ban.

Now im not going to wax lyrical about how safe a drug it is, and studies have shown that it can have detrimental effects, especially with long term chronic users, but that can also be said of alcohol,and with alcohol that drug itself has been linked to a majority of criminal actions from driving to assault to murder. So with that in mind, legalizing cannabis would on the whole do more good than.harm
Having seen the long term brain damage done by cannabis use, there is no ways it should be legitimized.
The issue is how to reduce "the long term brain damage" or whatever other problems are entailed. Legalisation AND control make most sense.
Like the gangs who bring people into the Uk on boats when is the government going to fully confront these criminals.
Easy problem to solve - just make access easier so the criminality is unnecessary.
What we have at the moment is an unpleasant and frequently lethal charade played by the government to appeal to the anti immigrant lobby.
They are after your votes and they think that cranking up the immigration "problem" is a winner. Probably not true anyway, public opinion is often more civilised than we are led to believe.
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So who are the real experts here , the folk who scream out to keep it illegal or the folk who have used it long term with no more Ill effect than cigarettes and alcohol . So my story in short - smoked cigarettes from aged 20 started with weed at around 22 smoked both until a year or so . Gave up weed 1st and it was easy - a few days and that was that . The thought of giving up cigarettes kept me awake at night , the patches burned my skin so after 3 days I just went cold turkey . I don’t ever think about smoking a joint ( I actually have a couple somewhere ) I think about smoking a cigarette every day even though the smell of other people smoking makes me feel sick . Gateway drugs absolute rubbish ( sounds like if you play violent computer games you will become a violent murderer or a serial sex offender ) I do agree that kids smoking weed at very a young age before their brains have matured is probably where the gateway starts . Also a small minority will experience side effects but these would probably have a reaction to penicillin or asperin . In over 30 of smoking I’ve never woke up unable to function and as a result had to take the day off work unlike a skin full of beer and sprits which will take me out for days . CRIME. …I’ve never stole , attacked anyone , committed burglary or any other crime other than smoking the actual weed itself . Neither did those who I smoked with . Post 18 years old my only criminal convictions are for possession of weed . But think about this while some of you talk about a subject you know very little about — weed has been around for decades and it will always be here so if you can’t police the illegal production of it then you can control the legal production of weed ( forget class a,s that’s not what this thread was stared for ) how many of you meet up in secluded areas , or mackies car parks or back alleys to buy your 4 pack of Carling or Stella , or dare to ask the price of a bottle of single malt . You don’t because it’s in every other shop and super market , some are open 24 hrs a day . IMHO tobacco and all these new fancy vapes of multiple flavours are just legal drugs with a different name . And like America,s prohibition the uk could ban ghe sale of cigarettes but they would lose out on all that tax and vat etc . While they seem happy to make money from the sale of tobacco and related products and alcohol and turn the other cheek to the terrible deseases and many many other health complications smoking and drinking causes heaven forbid they do the same for cannabis because that would be morally wrong to make billions from something that’s not healthy for you .
The issue is how to reduce "the long term brain damage" or whatever other problems are entailed. Legalisation AND control make most sense.
That would be simple enough surely, if done what they do in the Netherlands.
I presume they've got a huge problem with the stuff.
You have the whole history of prohibition to look at.
Yes, absolutely. Huge crime empires grew up in the USA on the back of illegal booze. Sales collapsed overnight when Prohibition was repealed and people could buy alcohol legally. The criminals, ironically, moved on to, among other things, illegal drugs.

Another important benefit of legalisation would be regulation. As I've said before, hardly anybody I knew suffered long-term mental illness from cannabis back in the 60s, because the heavy-duty stuff like skunk wasn't around then. And people talk about it being a 'gateway' drug, well I know of one guy who went on to harder drugs in my group of friends, and no one was surprised at all. It was in his nature. He did everything in excess. The rest of us just got bored with it after a few years. The thought of harder drugs, mainly heroin back then, didn't appeal at all. You can also argue that the thrill of something illegal adds to the atteaction for teenagers. I know it did for me and my mates, and my three kids too, who dabbled with it in the 80s and are now responsible adults with families of their own.

Whatever, the current methods of trying to deal with it patently aren't working and haven't since the 60s. We have to try something different.

Legalise it, regulate it, tax it. Most importantly, get the criminals out of it.
again mixing drug use /abuse is confusing the issue. Cannabis could be legalised and controlled as by itself is relatively less harmful by far than alcohol and other hard drugs and it would get it out of criminal gangs. Don't mix harmful effects of heroin/cocaine with much milder effects of purely cannabis. potency of cannabis is based on THC levels. If legalised it would free up the police/courts/prison/ treatments for heavier drugs and take cannabis out of the hands of criminals and therefore the collective association with harder drugs
You could put all this under the title of natural selection or survival of the fittest and that drugs are just natures temptation to help only the strongest survive and weed out the weakest links.
The "gateway drug" argument exists only because of the illegality of cannabis - it puts users in touch with dealers who are intent on pushing more addictive drugs. A large amount of the fentanyl addiction in the States is said to have been caused by dealers mixing fentanyl with other drugs - their customers aren't told but it keeps them coming back, dealer A's dope is much better stuff than dealer B's dope.
At the ripe age of 58 it seems to me that not a lot has changed since I left school. In my “social and modern studies” lessons we debated and postulated then on how to treat the different categories of drugs and how law and order should regulate their usage.
The original post I made was that it should be such a massive operation, in a minor Town (Littlehampton) in Sussex. This was their second bust of these warehouse production farms locally in the last month, which surely is repeated across the country (the farms not he bust)..
At which point do you think that they will fold their tents and go legit? This production will carry on but will be a civil case for landlords to cover. There is absolutely no chance that the authorities would be able to control/tax this industry.
The original post I made was that it should be such a massive operation, in a minor Town (Littlehampton) in Sussex. This was their second bust of these warehouse production farms locally in the last month, which surely is repeated across the country (the farms not he bust)..
At which point do you think that they will fold their tents and go legit? This production will carry on but will be a civil case for landlords to cover. There is absolutely no chance that the authorities would be able to control/tax this industry.
I think the idea is that either the drug could be much cheaper(and safer) if produced and distributed legitimately.
Having been inside the legal shops in WA, I'm not sure if that's actually the case, but then again, I have no idea of the street costs, and haven't touched the stuff since I quit tobacco, over 20 years ago.