Can I do this on a drill press?

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Established Member
29 Oct 2020
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Langhe, Piemonte
I have never done any turning. Apart from anything else, I have never liked sharpening.
I'd like to make some small handles, like those in the image. It is probably a couple of inches long.
Drilling out the centre will probably be difficult too I imagine.
How might I achieve that without a lathe?
Buying even a used old lathe in Italy would cost far too much.


  • turning.PNG
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using a standard drill press is asking for trouble...
Prob poss on an old Meddings and others but unless it's a modern industrial qual machine u could may just get away with it.....
u could always get a small lathe for say £50 for a cheapy, Clarke / Machine Mart style/qual to do the job and u just may get to like it.....most times they will come with a few lathe tools....
which may well lead on to bigger better things.....
OR find someone local with a lathe to make em for u, again u may just get interested.....
OR just for fun it wouldn't be that hard to make a small home made lathe.....
there u go.....
using a standard drill press is asking for trouble...
Prob poss on an old Meddings and others but unless it's a modern industrial qual machine u could may just get away with it.....
u could always get a small lathe for say £50 for a cheapy, Clarke / Machine Mart style/qual to do the job and u just may get to like it.....most times they will come with a few lathe tools....
which may well lead on to bigger better things.....
OR find someone local with a lathe to make em for u, again u may just get interested.....
OR just for fun it wouldn't be that hard to make a small home made lathe.....
there u go.....

You might find a cheap new or used in Greece but no way in Italy.
Took a look at the small Proxxon
Having spent some time looking the one I favour at the mo is the Record DML305-M33. The best price I have seen is around 400 euro, a lot more than the UK.
Having looked at the spec it isn't clear to me what "holders" it comes with. If I want to turn a handle 10-15mm diameter, 40-60mm long, and drill a hole in one end, what else will I have to buy?
The simplest way of doing it would be to drill the hole with a drill press and make a wooden mandrel (which you could attach to a faceplate) to slide the drilled handle onto so you could turn and finish it. Apart from the faceplate, you wouldn't need to buy anything else apart from the turning tools (maybe a spindle gouge and a parting tool would be all you would need for that project)
You might find a cheap new or used in Greece but no way in Italy.
Took a look at the small Proxxon
The proxxon woodlathe was the first lathe i used and it was quite capable for small tasks like penturning. (Priced at ~180 its not that cheap maybe in italy its cheaper). Have a look at rexord power, there is a sale going on, cheers.
The proxxon woodlathe was the first lathe i used and it was quite capable for small tasks like penturning. (Priced at ~180 its not that cheap maybe in italy its cheaper). Have a look at rexord power, there is a sale going on, cheers.
I am looking at the DML305-M33, trying to find European dealers.
Before I got a lathe, I turned a couple of pens on my pillar drill So its definitely possible.

i should say that I made the setup (tool rest, work holding, etc) as sound/safe as possible but it still felt a bit sketchy and very awkward.
The late, Alexander G Weygers in his book " The Modern Blacksmith " has a brief "snippet" with accompanying illustration, about using the drill press as a wood lathe - particularly for turning tool handles.
I've got a few old 4" angle grinders wot let the magic smoke out of,
seems possibly a good application to use to shaft from...
I was thinking they might be worth holding onto for a spindle sander before.

Would need check if some possible nut adapter might be the ticket...
I believe a common thread on these, so one might look into what they could do
like tacking on some spurs or centre onto a nut, that is.....
provided it doesn't unscrew itself?
In that case, one might see if feesable to grind the shaft to suit instead.
It's 331.00 in Italy with shipping at the moment. But I don't know if there are any significant differences between the 305 and 250.
Besides a bigger distance between centres the 305 has a bigger motor. Both lathes can be fitted with an extention. I would try to buy the 305 in your position; sooner or later a small engine is something that will get in your way.
Besides a bigger distance between centres the 305 has a bigger motor. Both lathes can be fitted with an extention. I would try to buy the 305 in your position; sooner or later a small engine is something that will get in your way.
I couldn't understand why the 250 had longer bed but smaller motor. How important might the spindle lock be?