Callapsible baskets

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8 Mar 2004
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When I get back on my SS I want to tackle the above. At the moment I'm having trouble trying to source spirals for the basket.
Can anyone please point me in the right direction.
A guy was showing and selling collapsible baskets at the Xmas market in York. They did look really nice baskets, though probably not made with a scroll saw, and I wish I'd had my camera with me because there were a couple of types I'd not seen before. While I was looking, a lady was buying 3 of them, so she was obviously impressed.
I am fascinated by collapsible baskets, but have only made a few of Sheila Landry's ones, kitty and bunny always sell when my friend takes them to craft fairs :)
I think the bigger ones that you will see are made on bandsaws, but I am sure they can be done on scrollsaws too - might just take longer..
I am the most useless person out when it comes to computer stuff, but have been able to make spirals on inkscape, can even make them oval, but that's about it, I would like to make them fit shapes, but don't know how, so I would like to second your appeal for any help that might be out there...

Hi Jimi
would like to be able to make say a flower or a heart shape template,(car, aeroplane?) with one or more spirals of the same shape within that, don't know if its possible, but certainly outside my capabilities
Gill, just a thought, I haven't tried it. Maybe you could draw, for example, a heart spiral on paper, scan it and import it into Inkscape, then convert to vector using 'Trace Bitmap'. From there you could alter it however you wanted and resize it easily. Sounds easy the way I typed it. :mrgreen: On the other hand, if your drawing is anything like mine, the idea is a non-starter.
Gill, I am still not entirely sure what you mean (I haven't had a go at cutting out anything that complicated myself), but I have had a play on Inkscape and created a flower head design with a spiral in the centre. If you PM me your email address, I will send you a pdf file. If that is the kind of thing you mean, it is fairly easy and I could explain how I did it.



I've just had another play and I think I know what you mean now - is it a spiral that instead of being round, is in, for example, a heart shape? It is a bit more fiddly but it can still be done.
I had a few minutes playing around in Inkscape and came up with this as a start. It can be done, but there must be a simpler way of doing it than the way I tried. It would take far too long to make it look good, doing it my way.


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I may have misunderstood the question but the only collapsible baskets I have seen are made from individual segments with tapered sides and not from a spiral.
We have bought several of these [didn't know what they were called] while on various holidays, including one with three or four separate 'baskets' within the main rising plate. They are all cut as a spiral with the centre [the eye of the spiral] pinned to a base plate. rome

If [when] I was doing this I'd either cut the spiral from the outside inwards by eye or if making a pattern I'd start with an outline then hand draw the cut line in pencil. I suppose you could make a small ring/washer/polo mint to put the tip of the pencil through to use as a visual guide to ensure the spirals stayed 'concentric'.

Unless I'm misunderstanding the problem, in which case I'll shut up now. :)
Martin, thanks for that, but my drawing is worse than my computering!
Mike, that is what I meant, but not sure I could come up with something as lovely!!!
As ever thanks for all the thinking that is going on, nice when someone comes up with a question that has been in other peoples minds :D


There is an easier way of doing it - make hearts of ever-decreasing sizes that fit into each other (like Russian dolls), then choose a node point to break apart the paths and join each to the next smallest one, making one continuous spiral path.

Making the first heart (from which you can copy and then re-size all the others) is the trickiest part. Try laying 3 equal size circles on top of each other, select them all and click the 'Union' button, under the 'Path' menu, then use the 'Edit Paths by Nodes' tool to shape the heart.


I have sent you a rough attempt at the above, via your email address. Let me know what you think and I'll email more detailed instructions.
