Buying wood online

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Established Member
19 Apr 2009
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Hi Folks,

Does anyone know of any place in the UK that sells wood online and is willing to ship out of country (to France)? Not sure if that would make sens financially, but hey, they do ship out table saws :)

Or any place that sells wood online that I could check out myself (I found British Hardwoods already).

Wonder if it would be worth it to make regular trips with a van and buy directly...

Woodworking is not a widespread thing in France. A store like British Hardwoods (for example) doesn't exist here to my knowledge. It is extremely difficult to find wood, dry wood, variety. You even have to hang out on classifieds sites until a good deal comes up. I'm rebuilding a full workshop but I haven't fond a place to buy wod yet.

I used to live in the US and had no trouble finding that kind of thing and woodworking seems to be also very popular in the UK. It isn't here.

I'd love some timbers to be imported from the USA as well, but it doesn't get to us here.
If you need a timber merchant in the UK who is close to the cross channel ports, they dont come much closer than these 2.

Both are in fact the same company and are in Folkestone though some items seem to be cheaper depending which web site you visit.

I've not used them myself though I have talked to them on the phone and they seemed quite keen to gain any business be it pick up or delivery. France may not be on the cards though :wink:
I would have thought a bit of googling should turn up a few French suppliers. Typing in 'Bois de chene france' came up with this company which offers Oak - Cherry - Beech - Chesnut (sic) - Ash - Walnut - Sycamore - Linden - etc or this one with a good selection of wood under ebenisterie. Or what about this company?

I have to admit that my thinking is the opposite to yours - I am more interested in coming over to france to buy Oak or other european hardwoods there! So perhaps we can do a deal - you order what you want from SL Hardwoods (I know the guys there well) and I'll pick it up for you and deliver it to your door if you cover my travel costs (fuel + ferry).

Thanks for this! I spent quite a bit of time on Yahoo/Google and couldn't turn up anything, nor could I get any information from other woodworkers in the area, which I suspect don't know where to find the wood either (or are not sharing). I wonder if any are selling dried wood though, or dry enough. We'll see.

I'm turning up more answres more locally now. This is nuts. I did searches on "vente bois" and such things and never thought about trying "bois de chene".

Thanks again :)

Edit: ack, looks like most searches return "heating" wood, for burning. Oh well, there should be enough anyway.
Very odd particularly as France has some of the largest areas of well managed woodland in Europe. Also French oak, beech etc is imported to Britain and onsale in British timber yards. Wherever you are there are probably little sawmills or farmers that do a bit of timber with a moblie saw a few miles from where you live ,that you probably aren't aware of. If we can keep things local then it is much better for the environment.
One other thought - how good is your spoken french? In my experience (20 years of working in francophone countries and bilingual english / french) if you can't communicate well you will quickly come up against a brick wall dealing with the majority of french people. If you can speak fairly fluently then track down a local menusier and ask his advice. If you don't want a lot of wood then I'm sure you'll be able to come to some arrangement for offcuts or smaller quantities of wood or get advice on where to get larger quantities.

Bonne chance !

Le Chuck,

I don't know where you are based but last year there was a post in this forum from Christoph Clark who is in Calais and I asked him about wood supplies.

Maybe this helps?


9fingers wrote:
Do you find it fairly easy to buy decent wood in France?

I have never had a problem but then I have had recommendations from french people who are in the know. I have bought all of mine from CBI in Boulonge. You need to look in the yellow pages (page jaunes) under scieries de bois