BS400 Bandsaw Problems

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It's not completely clear to me the process you've followed so far to narrow things down.
Have you wired a plug on a tail direct to the motor (cutting out the switch and microswitches) and turned on at the wall? Did it run? If not, the problem is motor or capacitor - check loose connections and change cap.

If it runs, then try just bypassing the switch so that the tails form the plug go direct to the output tabs that connect onward to the microswitches. If it runs, problem is switch. If not, problem is microswitches.
Yes, did this and it proved the motor was fine but didn't resolve the switching issue. I've posted an update/resolution below
Just an update to this thread and, thankfully a resolution.

The original problem was the switch but just to add some fun to the testing there was also an intermitent fault with the lower micro switch. So, for other users of this type of equipment, take seriously the cleaning and testing of these door switches. It's a common fault and easy to rectify
The principal issue of failed switch should have been easy to resolve with a replacement unit. Record provided this but with different pin configuration. The replacement switch was a JD3 so if you are replacing anything other than this take note of the issues I had to resolve.
Record Power, after quite a lot of prompting sent a hand drawn pin layout over to me. This failed as reported above. When I finally got a proper electrician in, they identified that the motor was incorrectly wired based on the switch setup. I was adamant that no changes had ever been made to this wiring and eventually they called Record Power who advised that the motor wiring would require changing!!! Probably quite useful information when I ordered the switch.
I'm reluctant to post the exact details on here as another users issue or machine may be different and I think it wise for them to make their own judgement. But be aware that changing switch types on a BS400 could require switch wiring on the input side of the motor unit.

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