Broadband recommendations

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Established Member
2 Jul 2007
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We are currently with Tiscali, but I am switching. Their customer service is truly appalling.

Any recommendations? I want to switch asap.

Our broadband and line rental were both provided by Tiscali.



from memory Tiscali is now Talk Talk

I am with Virgin formally ntlworld / line one etc

99% of the time the service is good and fast , but as with anything hi teck the do have problems now and then

Overall I am happy and will be staying with Virgin :mrgreen:
Morning Karl

I left TalkTalk after they threatened to increase my rental by £5 a month because I didn't have my calls with them.

I opted for BT, partly because I now have one provider for everything, so any faults are definitely theirs. ( Line faults are all down to Openreach anyway )

Painless transfer on the appointed date and my download speed has more or less doubled.

If I could get a decent TV signal here, I'd probably get their Vision package aswell.

Lots of ISP's listed here ...

At the end of the day, you pays your money and takes your choice.


I am with BT. When I moved house last year I asked them to transfere my account to the new address. I didn't find out until afterwards that when they transfered it they tied me into a new one-year contract. When I questioned it they clamied that the only way to transfere the account was to create the contract. That's a load of old macaroni, in my humble opinion. Once the contract expires I'll be going elsewhere out of principle.

On the technical side of things, not many problems. Speed is fine. Had a few dropouts but I think that's our phone line (in the house) rather than BT's end.
Blister":19cqlqor said:
I am with Virgin formally ntlworld / line one etc

99% of the time the service is good and fast , but as with anything hi teck the do have problems now and then

Overall I am happy and will be staying with Virgin :mrgreen:

+1 and the upload speed is high enough to have 2 additional numbers for peanuts on VOIP for work.
We are with O2 and their customer service has been pretty good. Were better off on ADSL 1 though. They upgraded us without us asking and our Internet became extremely choppy to the extent that it was sometimes non existent.

Make sure your area is suitable for ADSL 2 if you go for it.
barkwindjammer":20mmkyrt said:

Yep, +1 more. Switched to Virgin earlier in the year having been a BT customer forever, then a Sky customer for a few years. Absolutely no complaints about Virgin broadband - rock steady 50mb connection and no caps (BT) or traffic management (Sky). Very thorough installation process that happend exactly when they said it would. Ace.
Thanks for all the replies folks. I'll mull it over and look at some prices.


I'm with Force9, now called Plusnet and have stayed with them for 9 or so years for a near rock solid connection and any phone calls to them have been answered within 2 or 3 minutes. I don't know if I could get a faster broadband speed as I'm out in the sticks. I have the phone set up with them also and last year my neighbour and I had a fault with the line. He is with BT. We both registered the fault and two BT vans came out at the same time, one for my house and one for his.
+1 (excuse pun) for Plusnet. I've also been with them for almost a decade which speaks for itself. I've suffered NTL, Tiscali, Freeserve, AOL and others in the past.

Karl: If you decide to join Plusnet then give Michael7 (above) the chance to recommend you electronically (you'll have to PM him your current email address) for which Plusnet will give him a permanent monthly discount of between 25p and 75p - every little helps. I call second dibs on recommending you!

Branson package deal for the lot...t'interweb, 'fones and the telly. Excellent value and good service - Rob
Branson package deal for the lot...t'interweb (free antivirus/firewall package as well), 'fones and the telly. Excellent value and good service. We were with Tiscali same as you Karl and got rid fairly smartly - Rob