I just wondered if anyone expects there to be a point in the whole Brexit issue being replayed in this thread where consensus prevails?
Anyone who voted Brexit feels they were right and the current issues will bed in and life will go on. The Remainers see it as a self inflicted wound that will blight us for ever. Anyone saying to someone in the other camp words to the effect of “that’s a fair point” is rarer than rocking horse manure ... I just wondered if anyone expects it to change or just ramble on for ever?
It probably won't change.
FWIW I don't necessarily think Brexit is right, it was just right for me and my views, I can also see why it was right to vote remain for others. It may turn out to be a bad decision in which case if we have another referendum and try and re-join then I would vote for that. When I cast my vote I could see the argument from both side but on balance I felt a change was needed, it will probably be a good 10 years before I will be able to make a decision on whether I was right to vote that way or not. Just like voting for a government this is not a permanent decision, after all the vote to remain in the EEC was clearly not permanent either. We did a 40 year experiment and now we are going to try another. Saying we couldn't re-join is nonsense because we could if we wanted to and saying we wouldn't get as good a deal is also nonsense as we have no idea what the situation will be in 10-20 years time, we might get a better deal, or the same deal, you never know and who is to say the EU will still exist in 20 years time? A week is long time in politics, 20 years is several lifetimes by comparison.