No doubt a skillfully manned small boat can survive alone on the economic sea. It would do better in a convoy. A larger vessel entirely is more likely to make better and faster progress, as there are more resources under command. As of now, the skills navigating our small boat are questionable. In the past, it was our choice to be either part of a convoy, or to join a larger vessel entirely; but no one could force the issue.
Users of the phrase "The EU wants..." are using an emotional link to suggest we were being somehow forced against our will by civil servants in Brussels. The EU can only do what the ministers of the members agree to. From the start all agreed to closer political union. That's where it's been going, and the members, not civil servants, will decide how close is close enough. There are bound to be differences of emphasis between members, which detractors sieze upon and promote as signs of breakup.
By the way, happy fish are happy 'cos we're still in the sea, 'cos if we're caught, no one can work out how to sell us...eren't able to influence it, and so voted to leave.