Bog oak coffee table ( heavy).

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MikeG.":1ar45bx0 said:
Nelsun":1ar45bx0 said:
..... Picking a finish will be fun.......

I've been experimenting with finishing on some saw handles, and I've made my decision. It's a mix of oil, white spirit, and a coloured varnish....but not in the same ratio as is usually done. Slap on, wipe off ten minutes later, and leave to dry for 24 hours. Build up 5, 6,7 maybe 8 layers.
There's always paint

The combination of light and dark/black oak looks really good, I think.
It's looking very good already Mike. I like the uncomplicated design and I would also be a no for the staff bead (now that Google has told me what it is).":21pvsryx said:
.....Ooh, I'm surprised at the coloured varnish. Won't that detract from the wood's natural colour?......

It's to tone down the (modern) oak a little. It's a very minor effect, because it wipes off. It has no discernible effect whatever on the bog oak.


Here's another design question. Do I show dovetails on the front of the drawers?



Or, do I do traditional drawer front blind dovetails?

To me, through dovetails on a drawer front say "I've just learned how to do dovetails so I want everyone to see how clever I am."

I think I'm safe in saying that you're not a beginner, Mike. :)
The thing is, I've never seen anyone do through dovetails on drawers, other than me, and one other guy on here. I quite like it.


Superb work.

I vote in favour of a) add a bead b) blind dovetails. I think exposed dovetails in this case looks untidy and you have the skill to do first class blind ones.
Blind dovetails all day long for me. A given. No to staff bead personally though far less certainly. I had to google it so take my opinion with a bag or two of salt.
Blind dovetails imo as well Mike I think through detracts too much but the jury's out on the bead, personally I like them but I'd want to do a couple of test pieces first.
Nothing worse than looking at it for years thinking "wish I hadn't done that".

Great project and looking forward to seeing how you made the little bog oak router plane
Ok, sometimes through dovetails on a drawer do say "this is a sturdy, utilitarian piece for the workshop" - but I still wouldn't put them on the coffee table.

Sorry for having such a short memory!
OK, that's a decision. Blind dovetails it is. There's probably enough going on with the drawers, as there will be a Greene & Greene-esque wooden drawer pull.
What I love about your photos is the incidental background items. Today, I spotted your bench dog. You made that, didn't you?

I have such a long way to go. [Sigh] I am still at the "wax on, wax off" part of the learning curve, and Mr Miagi has yet to reveal why it is important.

As for the table - I am in awe, and couldn't possibly comment, other than to say through dovetails would be fine if it wasn't for the fact that the bog oak is the star, not the skill of the craftsman in this case. In any other piece, yes - this one, possibly not. But you have already decided against them, so I am merely confirming your thinking.

I hope your back is improving - been there, done that, not fun.
Trainee neophyte":1vdebk9o said:
......... Today, I spotted your bench dog. You made that, didn't you?........

Yep. Two or three years ago, I guess. It is plenty strong enough, but restricted by the square dog holes.
Trainee neophyte":3skixjhk said:
.......I hope your back is improving - been there, done that, not fun.

95%. I just have to be a little careful picking up heavy thick, dense, bog oak boards!
MikeG.":1stx3pa3 said:
The thing is, I've never seen anyone do through dovetails on drawers, other than me, and one other guy on here. I quite like it.



alan peters did it on a few of his pieces, I like it.