black & white present

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Established Member
21 Jul 2008
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hello all heres is what i've been working on for the last few turning days.
its a xmas present for my mum and dad who have a art deco style living room. it was inspired by Marilyn campbell's work which i saw in a new book called "new masters of woodturning"






this type of work doesnt come easily to me but i have enjoyed doing it.
That is a beautiful piece of work cornucopia, something to be justly proud of and I would envision that the folks will be overwhelmed by it.
I can see them just dying to showcase the piece to friends and visitors.
I recognize your hollow form works content but this piece IMO is in a league at another level.

Thats a very striking piece, no doubt one to be chuffed about. I recall seeing some of the artists pieces a while back and just thinking "How?". I wondered if you might be prepared to indulge me (and no doubt everybody else who's dying to ask) the basics of how you did it. It must have taken quite a while to do but there's some great detail.

Cracking job :D

Good looking and bends the brain as I don't think its round in the vertical plane. :-k
Is there any chance of you telling us how you made such a nice piece? You have no fear of me coping you, well not at that size anyway. :whistle:
well this piece was my 2nd attempt at getting the shape i wanted, the main part of it (the two big white bits are a bowl cut in half- the circle in the middle at the top of each side was an internal dove tail chuck hold in the base of the bowl, then a bit of shaping was done either side of the dovetail hole.
A picture frame (the black semi circle)is then made with a rebate on both sides to accept what was the rim of the bowl.
The four black bits with the texture and holes were made in pairs on my vac chuck by turning a thin disc then moving the centre and cutting a hole then cutting of the two shapes you see now where the hole met the edge of the original disc.
then just a simple heavy base was turned and a dowel used to join the two.
the wood is cherry and ash
the white isnt actually pure white but its a shellac based primer i use in my day job called Zinnser BIN.(sticks to anything)
the black is a spray paint called PJ1
the hardest part for me was trying to keep it symetrical.
the lady who's work inspired this piece makes her work very diffrently to me using holly and epoxy piece is extremley amatureish in comparisson to her brillant piece's.
Stunning piece George :shock:
Looks just as good as the pieces by the artist in question to me George:D
I'm sure your parents will be over the moon with it.