bitumen corrigated roof panels?

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I know that many of the sheds / Workshops I have "inherited" along the way had asbestos roofs. the strength, sound and water proof capabilities are hard to match and then I found concrete fiver boards. Southern sheet supplies down by Gatwick sell then cheaper per m2 than the bitumen boards and they will last for years....

Sorry Just realised that sounded like an advert.
I meant Fibre Cement Sheets. That is what you get for getting up early and going to bed late. I had not even touch a drop of the medicinal either....

www. southernsheeting .co .uk /product_info.php?id=76
hi these sheets are hard to finish on ridge and edges, much better to do a proper job and be done with it . i have a precast garage as a work shop i tiled it using metal rafters felt then concrete tiles i won't need to touch again just paint facia and softit .
it comes down to money up front and for get or less money up front = ongoing maintenance and money.
as they say you pay your money you take your chance,

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