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I have a Rexon biscuit jointer I've never used lurking at the back of the tool cupboard and now a job has come up for it , the blade is 100mm diameter and the tips measure 3.8mm , what size biscuits do I need for it ?
Then why use biscuits at all? Alignment would be the only reason as they won't add anymore strength to a long grain to long grain joint. If you are going to surface the top then just be careful with the glue up and only glue a few at a time, no wider than your thcknesser. Take a final thickness pass to clean them up and then you only have to get one or two joints perfect to complete the glue up. If you feel you must use the biscuits for alignment the smallest are enough and only a few down the length.I will be jointing 200 x 50 boards edge to edge to make a workbench top.
The Lamello biscuit jointer manual on my lap agrees.So you need 20s.