Best things about your current workshop!

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Established Member
10 Sep 2003
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Whats the best thing about your current workshop!

1) A nice big door so it's really easy to get stuff in and out
2) A Wooden floor to make it more comfotable
3) Loads of lighting to keep it bright
4) Chipboard walls so I can add screws and put things wherever I need
5) Double glazing to keep it toasty
6) Carpeted floor
7) Somewhere to hang all the clamps

Anyone else?


Perhaps this could get turned into a "workshop" design page - on Newbie Neils beginners site?
It's a garage attached to the house, so...

1. Easy access
2. Big doors
3. Wired for electricity
4. Bigger than the average garden shed
It's a garage attached to the house, so...

8. Easy access
9. Big doors
10. Wired for electricity
11. Bigger than the average garden shed

:shock: Now counting onwards everyone else...(only teasing pete :D )


12. Its nice n big
13. The door is HUUUGGGEEE
14. More electrical points I can shake a stick at
15. Loads of light
16. Loads of natural light, mind thats only cos of all the holes in the roof
18. It's doesn't leak (touch wood...)
19. It's pretty big by most standards
20. In the summer months there's so much light I never need to turn the 'leccy lights on at all.
21. It's far away enough from the house for noise and dust not to be a problem, but near enough to be kept an eye on.
22. It's got running water
23. Most of its walls are lined, making hanging up cupboards and tools easy.
24. It's got some nice tools in it :lol:

S'good idea this, Adam. Makes you think about what you have, so you can either appreciate it, or change it! :wink:

Cheers, Alf
25) It's insulated
26) It's secure
27) It's got enough electrical points (28 in total I think :shock: )
29) 'Tis Broadban Enabled :p
30) I made it myself, so it's much stronger/better built than anything bought
31) I can take it away with me when I leave
32) It's waterproof - up to gale force - as this week demonstrated!
I was going to insert a nice little picture to indicate the best thing about my shop but don't know how. Any clues?


34) I get a lovely sea view during the summer with the door open.

Not sure about images - just a straight cut and paste? Or use HTML to link it in?

You use


My Workshop:

- Good Lighting
- Bright
- BIG electric roll up door, which is insulated
- Carpet on floor
- Very High roof (good when swinging long bits of timber around)
- Nice Tools
- My "Sawdustalley" sign
- Boarded Loftpace

Thanks for the http thing. So, what does one do with it? An image in my folder, reduce it? and then what?


47. no intercom with house!
48. detached from house and no neighbours so noise not a problem.
49. access into adjoining double garage ready for when I spread!
50. ring main with loads of sockets.
51. woodburner
52. built-in lathe bench to exact height for lathe (I'm 6'5").

Hi, Andy,

48. She's well trained, feels sorry for me out there in the cold and just turns up with it. The latest one I got was about 1am accompanied by the comment, "do you know what the time is?" As if!

As long as I look busy the system seems to work fine - long may it continue!

Cheers, Trev.
53/ central heating
54/ bathroom's directly opposite (damn handy when working with LONG stock)
55, Its mine
56, Lots of wood
57, Extractor system I have just finished.
58, Lots of sexy Hand Tools :D :D
59 Out od range of SWMBO :twisted:
60, No intercom or phone
61, radio & CD Player


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