I made one... It was really easy to use - still weighs quite a bit.
In the end I converted it from a bench to just the upright cart bit and I use it for my belt sander and bobin sander - I put whichever I'm using on top, the other goes in the bit where the drawers would be. The fold out legs always annoyed me though, always kept pinching my skin when unfolding.
I purchased the whole set of plans because they were pretty cheap.. and well, one day.. maybe just one day I'll have a garage or if miracles do exist a workshop.
I don't have any festool kit so I might have committed a sin by making it
I'm designing my own now, specific to my needs - i.e. it needs to fit through the doors in my house, needs to be easy to move and negotiate as it'll be stored in the house and moved into the garden when I'm doing anything - fundamentally it needs to look like normal furniture when it's in "house" mode.