Bench Drill Opinions (SIP, or Bosch PBD40 - not vintage)

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Established Member
19 Feb 2013
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Hi All

Need a bench drill for drilling hinge holes etc in wood. I am in Ireland where vintage options are very limited (Fobco, Meddings etc). Looking at the Bosch PBD-40 (c £200) or for a little more money, something like the SIP B20-16 (c. £330)

I see that most Bosch PDB 40 owners are relatively happy for the price. Any thoughts on the SIP B20-16?

The Bosch has easily variable speed so would get my vote - I was so happy the day I upgraded my floor-standing pillar drill to a Sealey with infinitely variable speed and no belt-faffery.
I bought the Record Power DP25B drill, had it a few months and can’t really fault it. Runs super quiet, very sturdy on the bench, particularly rate the depth stop system on the cast iron wheel, huge improvement over what my old drill provided. I am a fan of Record Power kit, build quality is, imo, leagues above the similar priced alternatives, coupled with a 5 year warranty.
I’ve got the sip, cost £130 second hand and has proven to be a good buy. Yes changing speeds is a little involved but you can have it done in 30seconds so no major issue there.
I’ve got the Bosch pbd40 and it’s well worth it in my opinion for the electronic variable drive alone but it’s got great depth controls too, even has electronic measuring of the depth. The wheel is a bit different but fine though and I bought a retrofit handle for mine for £17 from Amazon and it is brilliant. Very portable too. Heavy enough in quality but not too heavy in weight to move about where it’s needed.

Kind Regards…Rob
I’ve had my pillar drill for 10/11 years now in a commercial workshop, and this has just made me realise that I’ve never ever changed the speed on it! Either it isn’t too necessary for wood or I’ve been missing out lol.

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