Belt sander

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Established Member
9 Jan 2008
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East Sussex, and sunny Finland
I treated myself to a new belt sander, a Dewalt 433.
Arrived today,while it seems a lovely machine and well made, I think it is just too heavy !
It weighs 5.6 kg.
Just feels like it will sand through a veneered board without any help from me.
Not sure whether to send it back or not, seemed the best machine for the money.

I use a belt sander quite a lot for finishing timber and boards alike, If I am careful it works fine. Maybe I should look for an orbital sander instead.

What models do other people use? Or should I keep this one.

thanks, Davin
I think you will find the weight of the sander is a bonus and helps keep the plate on the timber. I personally use a belt sander for flattening boards and rough sanding and then finish off with a RAS and a light hand sand afterwards. HTH. :wink:
I have a Makita 9404 which weighs in at 4.7Kg. so not much lighter.

If you are worried about use on veneers get a sanding frame for it.

Of course you should be using smoothing planes or scrapers for the best surface finish! :lol:

I have never got on with belt sanders, I find them too keen to run away in use or potentially dig in. Plus the Bosch one I have doesn't have great dust control. I use an ROS and alter the grit as needed.


mailee":yayiifn8 said:
I think you will find the weight of the sander is a bonus and helps keep the plate on the timber. I personally use a belt sander for flattening boards and rough sanding and then finish off with a RAS and a light hand sand afterwards. HTH. :wink:

I always found my RAS cut a bit quickly for delicate sanding :wink:
I'd go with mailee on this one.
Use the belt sander for a starter then finish off with the random orbital.
Mine is Ryobi 4" jobbie, heavy but it does a great job, and quickly especially if there is a lot of timber to be done.

Top tip, screw a strip on the end of the work bench, a bit thinner than the wood being worked, stops it being slung off the bench and saves messing around with clamps.

Thanks for your advice everyone.
I have decided to return the belt sander and get a random orbital,
A Dewalt D26410,
Seems very good, plus my friend owns a hire shop and gets 30% off the list price!
Or I could try and sharpen the cabinet scraper I bought all those years ago at college!

Thanks again
Davin good move I have a belt sander which is fixed to the bench and I only use it for grinding steel, I would not let it near wood to crude IMHO, ROS a different story, but I only use as a last resort. For finishing, hand plane, scraper and sometimes sandpaper.
I never got on with the 433, (its the 3 wheeled one, isn't it?)
The dust extraction was next to useless I found.
Currently have a 3 inch makita, nicely balanced.
I never use a belt sander on a veneered board though?
only a 5" round DA sander
I was wondering how Mailee got a fine sanded finish on a Radial Arm saw !!
Ta for the explanation !..
I had a bosch sande ( belt) and thought it was great although itt was a little to eager to break drive with the load clutch. Had it just over a year but only ever really used it on the one job, a circulat sycamore basin stand made up with angled staves barrel fashion. After that it was rarely used maybe got through 4 belts in its whole life. I lent it to a friend to ease some drawer sides and he rang to say it had "gone funny"
I had a look: It ran but no drive to the belt. Out of warranty so stripped it down. Knackered.
Problem in design. there is nothing to stop dust getting into the main spindle bearings, these had tightened up and begun to spin the outer race in the plastic housings. Meltdown. A scrapper after very little use.....
So I bought a Makita 9911 and its a far superior machine to the Bosch and not much more money after shopping around.Plus it came with 5 extra packs of belts as well.
As for the finish, I bought and tried a ROS lately, lots of swirls so still had to hand I will cut out the middle man and go straight from a belt finish to a hand finish and chuck the ROS in the same bin as the Bosch
Just received my R.O.S, a DeWalt D26410.
Seems great, very quiet and smooth.
Will let you know how I get on with it.
Seems a lot of money to spend - but I guess it's cheaper than sanding through a veneered panel !
I too have a Makita 9911 and have ised it a fair amount over the past 2 years. It is fairly light and has done evrything I have asked.