Hi all,
I've had some beech block worktop in my workshop for a couple of weeks now. On Friday I removed the plastic wrapper and cut the worktop into 3 lengths. One of these was about 600mm long and two others 1200mm.
Today I have noticed that the short piece has a front to back bow of about 25mm in the centre. I have plenty of other wood (oak, ash, maple, scots pine....) in the same workshop area wich exhibits no warpage. Has anyone experienced this before? I thought Beech block shouldn't bow like this?
Any advice appreciated.
I've had some beech block worktop in my workshop for a couple of weeks now. On Friday I removed the plastic wrapper and cut the worktop into 3 lengths. One of these was about 600mm long and two others 1200mm.
Today I have noticed that the short piece has a front to back bow of about 25mm in the centre. I have plenty of other wood (oak, ash, maple, scots pine....) in the same workshop area wich exhibits no warpage. Has anyone experienced this before? I thought Beech block shouldn't bow like this?
Any advice appreciated.