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doctor Bob

Established Member
22 Jun 2011
Reaction score

Clumsy little sh!*. He's pretending it's not him but I know he knows I know!!!!!
Doctor Bob I agree with MARK.B, I think you need to investigate this properly, it is obvious by the look on his/her face that someone else carried out this dastardly deed. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I do hope the poor dog was not hurt by the broken glass. Dogs can be easily traumatised by loud noises - he probably needs lots of attention, consolation, and perhaps a treat or two to take his mind of his terrible experience......

Dogs can be easily traumatised by loud noises - he probably needs lots of attention, consolation, and perhaps a treat or two to take his mind of his terrible experience......

Sounds like the opening line from a personel injury lawyer making his case for a massive compensation claim.
What is that? A mirror? Poor dog, he must have been scared when it came down.

DrPhill - Exactly!

Flynwood - Excellent caption.
morfa":1iea2hdx said:
What is that? A mirror? Poor dog, he must have been scared when it came down.

DrPhill - Exactly!

Flynwood - Excellent caption.

It's a bevel edge mirror which was wrapped in bubble wrap, please believe me no dogs were harmed or scared during the making of this post. The damage done was to the mirror and my pocket, however he was lucky not to be castrated with a shard of glass (by me).
He is a workshop dog, he lays under the PT normally, noises are irrelevant to him, however he can hear a sandwich wrapper being opened 20 yards away above the noise of the planer, 4 sider, and panel saw running with the extraction on full blast.
Both of them are fairly indestructible, however the misses was not happy when someone painted moustaches on them in black paint. :lol: :lol:
My next door neighbours dog WILL be traumatised by a loud noise soon if it doesn't stop barking and howling.....where did I put that shotgun! :x