Bathroom mirror installation - suitable flex outlets

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Established Member
25 Aug 2021
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I have two LED bathroom mirrors to install in our house. During construction I asked the electrician to add wiring for this. Each bathroom has a single socket size blanking plate and I have removed one tonight to find a backbox with the wiring inside with Wago connectors ready to go, so nice and easy to install. I want to find a replacement for the blanking plate that has a readymade entry point for the mirror cable like this, but I don’t need any sort of connector within the plate itself as I will just connect the mirrors via the Wagos. Can I just use a these plates but bypass the connectors on them or is there something different I should be doing here?

Many thanks

Something like this?

That was quick, thank you! I did see those but ideally I want something where the mirror cable enters at the bottom due to the positioning of the backbox by the electrician and because the mirrors have very little space behind them

...ideally I want something where the mirror cable enters at the bottom

The one to which you link is fine. You could remove the screws and throw away the green bit altogether if you need more space in the backbox. Use a 3-way Wago on the earth and connect to the plate with a bit of wire.

The Screwfix description might be slightly incorrect as it talks about a fuse compartment and the item does not have one.

This is an alternative that does not have a bulge projecting:

Again, remove the bits you do not want.