Bandsaw for small workshop

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Established Member
30 Dec 2009
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I'm looking for a bandsaw for a small workshop (10 by 7 feet). I've seen the Axminster AWHBS250N as having 120mm cut and twin speeds. has anyone any experience of this. I know it's a recent addition. I'd like to be able to cut 4 inch pine to make up some mandolin soundboards so I can practice carving them. I also note that the Record BS250 is twin speed and 120mm cut. How does this compare? I'd like to get a larger one but just don't have the space
I saw this in Axminster the other day, I was going to buy it for £125 about a year back when it was on sale. Its quite small but looks solidly built?
The Axminster Bandsaw (Well the rebranded version sold on by retailers) is one of the worst bandsaws I have ever had the displeasure of using.

Try the Draper one. Theirs is pretty good.
Why exacttly don't you recommend the Axminster? Which Draper model are you referring to?

Andy, I don't have the space for a larger one, I wish I did. I already have a lathe and a workbench taking up most of my available 10 by 7 space.

These are the only two bandsaws I found which cut to 120mm. All the other small bandsaws I have found cut to 100mm.
I know 120mm throat gap is a bit small for creating your own veneer but would a draper bandsaw be high enough quality for producing ones own veneer?
I have the previous version of this bandsaw, the ABSW2 or whatever it's called. It's the first and only bandsaw I've used and I'm untutored in the lore of the bandsaw.

However, I have managed to set it up, change blades and cut all sorts of things on it including resawing 4x1 inch oak, slowly I'll admit and my home made re-saw fence was probably not ideal, but it did it. I'm really happy with mine, it could be because I have no experience of a proper bandsaw, but others on here like them too, see here

Dont get the draper !!- i had one - Uluminium table bends with light loads, door spring open randomly, fence is worthless.

Get the Record 250 or the Scheppach Basato 1

Both although small have solid cast tables.

I've not looked at either of these small saws - but I looked at larger Records and Scheppachs - and the latter seemed much better built and more solid. Early experience with the Basato 4 I bought is that it's a great bit of kit ... the little ones might be equally good?