Well I was down in my Studio, yes I use to call it the Shed, but since winning an International woodturning competion January edition on here, I thought it only appropreite (or whatever) to move to the top of the ladder as indeed I should, especially when I start giving lessons and demo's for my following. :wink: :wink: .
Anyway Herself comes into the "Studio " and ses whats that your making Bottle stoppers, no ses I it's for me Balls
Whats wrong with your Balls she ses :shock: .Well ses I there not round enough, so I am making a Jig to put them in to round them off. So I am making the one Colin (Woodspoiler) uses because the one that yer man Jonzjob uses is bought in and a woodturner of my status should make everything he uses
Oooh right ses Herself, and where did this all come from that you have to round yer Balls.
"Blister" ses I he wants us all to have nice round Balls suspended from above or below for this months comp.
Well the cheek of him she ses, if you do yourself a mischief he'll have me to answer too.
So folks here I am between a rock and a hard place, should I use Jonzjobs system which I have or Woodspoilers which I also have made or go for Nev's idea buy a Ball making Jig Jeez its a tough life this woodturning innit.