I think of Bordet in France the same way ( BTW when one talks with Bordet, they have a good deal of respect for Axminster ) , good gear, priced higher than the cheapiest places , but when you pick up the phone , the person at the other end knows their stuff , and will do their very best to keep you a happy customer.*
Some Chinese companies are like that too, when you deal direct.I know one guy in the USA, bought 1000 slate blanks from them, when they arrived 200 were round instead of square.They apologised, and sent another 1000 square, free, including shipping and all taxes.I have used the same company, I mentioned this to them ( the woman that you deal with who speaks English is like many Chinese women, very "straight" speaker ) .She said .."it is normal, we screwed up, we fix it and some, we hope to keep customer happy and coming back".
I have nowhere nearer to me than Bordet, they have an agent ( a sharpening company..si si Jacob, ça existe

) , but they have no stock, and would cost me the same as buying direct from Bordet anyway.