At it again.....

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Lee Brubaker

Established Member
16 May 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, AB Canada
Last Dec. I found myself rushing to finish the toys that I donate for distribution to the kids of needy families at Christmas. Soooooo I have started early this year. You may recall the 1930 Ford Roadster that I made last year. Have just made another except this time I installed a rumble seat which was a popular option in those days. I will continue to make toys off & on throughout the year between other projects & come Dec. this year I expect to be lolling about eating chocolates instead of a panic to get the toys done on time. Thanks for looking.


Lee, very nice, I love making toys and that is a proper toy. A child will play for hours with that and there's no battery to go flat. 8)
Wow - thats great.

Did you work off a plan for this or the original one (I missed it before?). Its difficult to get a sense of scale from the pic. What size is it.


Superb Lee =D>

Looks very complicated to make too. Nicely done sir! :wink: :D
Hello Tim:

The vehicle bumper to bumper is a little over 12" long. I work from Google images. For example, my first car was a 1946 Ford sedan & I want to build one of those. I will google up an image & from owning one at one time I know that the wheelbase was 104". It is then a simple matter to work from the image and convert it by X mm's = 1" to generate a plan that is correct proportionately & an overall size that is manageable. Manageable size is important to me because I use cut-offs & hardwood scraps for them. I also avoid painting them because Iam concerned that the parents of the youngsters that receive them may be worried that there could be lead content in the paint and deny the youngster from playing with it. Lead in paint was banned in Canada in 1976 but with the recent hoo haw re Chinese made toys containing lead
people may not know this & be overly cautious.

i am new here so you will need to join the bits together to make a link but you may find this usefull for getting car plans etc
www the-blueprints com