ArrowXL - and losing the will to live

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Established Member
20 Feb 2004
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In the eternally wet North
If you value your sanity, avoid buying anything from any company who use these numpties for delivery. This is a bit long but its worth it for the end!

The access where we now live is a little tricky and turning very tight. So small delivery vehicles are needed. We bought a couple of kitchen appliances from Appliance Direct and each time requested a small vehicle. Both deliveries by Arrow XL were flawless.

Feb 12th we ordered a couple of items on special order from Appliance Direct. Delivery scheduled for Mar 8th. Again small vehicle requested and confirmed.

March 7th - usual notifications arrive then on

March 8th .....mid-morning phone goes and it's the delivery driver.."Just had a look at my note, mate, and it says small vehicle required. I'm in a 7-tonner. Do you reckon it will be OK?". WTF? After a bit of reasoned discussion and my description of the access, he aborts the delivery.

Call 'Customer Service' - I use the term 'service' very loosely in this context - to ask why they've messed this one up.

"We need two weeks notice for a small vehicle and we didn't know anything about this one" ! No apology. No concern.

"In that case, please explain why your driver has it clearly marked on his delivery note"?"

"We need two weeks notice and you'll get your goods the next time the vehicle is in your area" :shock:

"When will that be then?"

"We need two weeks notice and you'll get your goods the next time the vehicle is in your area"

Realising I am dealing with the Computer Says No, I call Appliance Direct to seek their help. Concern expressed, promises to sort it out and get delivery quicker than two weeks. Remember, everyone knew about this requirement on Feb 12th when the order was placed.

Several days pass with me getting more annoyed with both AD and NumptyXL in not being able to give me a firm date. Then on Monday 13th I get a phone call from NumptyXL...

"Are you in tomorrow? We can deliver our items then if that's OK".

Result! Happy Bunny. Of course I'll be in. Get all the usual notifications.

Mon 14th - come 3pm still no phone call to tell me when they are coming and so I call ArrowXL. The conversation goes like this..

"Good afternoon, just wondering if you could give me any idea as to when my items will be delivered?"

"The delivery has been cancelled" WTF ? :shock:

"Who cancelled it?"

"The warehouse"

"Whose warehouse? Appliance Direct or your warehouse?"

"Our warehouse".

"Why did your warehouse cancel the delivery then?"

"Because they can't find the items". :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

"Why did no-one bother to call me and tell me ?"


"Can I please speak to a manager?"

"No, none are available?"

Have you noticed that the crappier a companies service is, the more difficult it is to speak to a manager?

Back to Appliance Direct who get NumptyXL to carry out a warehouse search. Days go by, lots of calls. No-one at NumptyXL knows what's going on. Appliance Direct get them to do another warehouse search.

Suddenly this Friday just gone, I get the usual notifications "We're delivering your items between 11.15 and 13.15 on Saturday 18th". Naturally no courtesy call from NumptyXL. No apology. SFA , in fact. But at least they have found the items.

So re-arrange the days activities to be in.

March 18th .....mid-morning phone goes and it's the delivery driver.."Just had a look at my note, mate, and it says small vehicle required. I'm in a 7-tonner. Do you reckon it will be OK?". WTF? After a bit of reasoned discussion and my description of the access, he aborts the delivery.

Back to Square One.

So, my friends, if you value your sanity, avoid using ArrowXL. They have set a new bar for crass incompetence.
I feel your pain. I suspect we've all been there. Alas it's difficult to know who a company will use and often they use several devilry companies.

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DiscoStu":39yyc7bw said:
I feel your pain. I suspect we've all been there. Alas it's difficult to know who a company will use and often they use several devilry companies.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes, it certainly sounds like DEVILRY to me too !!
Unless the items are difficult to source or substantially cheaper I would have cancelled the order by now.
I dont work for NumptyXL but to be fair to the delivery companys, a lot of companys would class a 7.5T vehicle as a small vehicle. the company I work for runs 18T and 26T vehicles so a 7.5T to us is a small vehicle. if you had requested a "transit" sized van that would be different. Hope they manage to eventually deliver somehow.
flying haggis":64pausap said:
I dont work for NumptyXL but to be fair to the delivery companys, a lot of companys would class a 7.5T vehicle as a small vehicle. the company I work for runs 18T and 26T vehicles so a 7.5T to us is a small vehicle. if you had requested a "transit" sized van that would be different. Hope they manage to eventually deliver somehow.

No, they know what in their terms is a small vehicle and remember that they managed a small vehicle for the first two deliveries.
My house is in a country lane where my BMW 5 series wing mirrors get battered due to the width of the road, I usually quote that my near neighbour drives a 16 ton closed car delivery vehicle and manages to get down our lane without a problem, usually get our deliveries without a problem, but some drivers would moan about anything to try and get a tip.

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