are there any scrollsaw events or shows in the uk

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Hi not been her for a while lots of hospital time with grandson (3 years with leukemia and only 6)
Now about shows we have a craft group in fife that goes around Scotland (well the east) I tried to join them when i started scrolling , but the Secretary of the said club was also a scroller .. hence i didn't get into the club , which says to me why bother just enjoy scrolling which is what i do. this is just one of the things i have done , plus it was cut out of ply that i got off my son from his bathroom fitting (ply for the floor )so if you look at what you are getting good ply is there , I sometimes go to B&Q and has been known to take every sheet of ply down to the floor to check for bad bits plus they will cut it to size for you, have fun scrolling -----------Brian (chef)


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That's really sad news about your Grandson, I really hope everything works out.

And thank you for the inspiration, that clock is fabulous.

Sorry for jumping in here but how much would a sheet of 8' x 4' 12 mm Baltic ply cost you over in the UK. I can buy it here at 40 euro a sheet. This works out at £30 a sheet approx. Its as good as I can get where I am.