as a fellow engineer I can understand your situation as it's a tough time for engineering at the moment but hopefully I may be able to help you out. A mate of mine has an engineering recruitment agency in Yorkshire, not sure if he can help you out with work as I don't know what he has got on at the moment. But last time I talked with him he was doing quite a lot with the nuclear industry, all turbines as well
His name is Bernard Smirke and tell him I put you onto him, if he can help he will, if not he should be able to put you onto the right track as he's been working this area for years and is a good mate of mine.
Here's his website and as you can see he's proud of the fact he lives in yorkshire
The only other companies that are still recruiting at the moment is BAE Systems in Barrow for subs (apparently they need 800 people and are struggling to resource them up). Rolls Royce are also recruiting as well due to Trent and also the forced draft fan for JSF taking off (literally!), unfortunately they will both mean travel so it may be worth talking to Bernard first.
I can really sympathize here as I left the navy after my apprenticeship on turbines and boilers and couldn't get a job, I ended up going back to college and doing manufacturing, after the demise of that I have now ended up consulting. I keep my skills up by doing woodworking and also model engineering (I was making wooden sheep at the weekend for a village event !!)
If you need anything else pm me and I'll see if I can help
best of luck
Darren Challender