I find it easy to lose weight as well, but doubt just because me and you find it easy others do as well. I think you are being naive in your thinking. Sort of kiddie thinking as there are many studies to show sugar has addictive qualities.
The sort of naive bit of Jacob's post is that it doesn't address the fact that many people don't want to lose weight more than they want to do whatever it is that prevents them from losing weight. The magic is in geting people to take ownership and do it no matter what. The doing isn't that hard. The wanting to do is the part. I want to do now, not because I care that much about losing weight, but because I don't want to have to do it later. I also want to get a few new suits and my cheap bone doesn't want to get them twice. My cheap bone also kind of likes the idea that it costs less to lose weight than it does to keep it the same.