...I just need one without the hammer function...
The only way you will hammer with that Hikoki is to swing it in your hand onto the head of a nail.
...I just need one without the hammer function...
I wonder if its possible to modify a low cost mains angle grinder to take a sanding head
I bought the 3010 on the recommendation of Richard Findley, its perfect for the job.I use a Makita angle drill mains power for sanding
As Tris says get the keyed chuck rather than the keyless as less stick out
Thanks Tris. I found the image. I have an old battery powered drill driver which I may be able to wire up to one of my many saved transformer/chargers. Worth a go!
Hmmm......... yes I know. But reading Rodpr's comments I could find no mention of the lathe having to remain "stationary".But they don't work with the lathe stationary.