Established Member
I can’t believe it’s been nearly 3 weeks since I moved house. I must apologize for not being on the forums much but the downgrade from broadband to dialup hasn’t gone very well and having only one phone line (due to the exchange being at it’s limit) doesn’t help either so I’m only getting a limited time online. It’s like I’ve gone back in time 5 years
Anyway as Alf mentioned before the workshop does make up for it. A few people have asked me how’s the workshop is looking so I thought I’d post some pics.
There’s still a lot of work to be done but to say I’ve only had a few days in the workshop I think it’s looking pretty well. I’ve made a new top for the back bench aka the mitre bench station. I just need to make some fence extensions and it’ll be complete. I started on the table saw out-feed table yesterday but ran out of wood
The next task is to sort out the timber storage. Hopfulley the electrics will be sorted out in a few months and the stud wall that divides the workshop will be coming down once all the boxes are moved out. (which won’t be for awhile).
Anyway as Alf mentioned before the workshop does make up for it. A few people have asked me how’s the workshop is looking so I thought I’d post some pics.
There’s still a lot of work to be done but to say I’ve only had a few days in the workshop I think it’s looking pretty well. I’ve made a new top for the back bench aka the mitre bench station. I just need to make some fence extensions and it’ll be complete. I started on the table saw out-feed table yesterday but ran out of wood
The next task is to sort out the timber storage. Hopfulley the electrics will be sorted out in a few months and the stud wall that divides the workshop will be coming down once all the boxes are moved out. (which won’t be for awhile).