Another Table Saw Plea for Help Please

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30 Oct 2013
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Great Yarmouth
Hi Everyone,

I'm another newbie looking for some help, I have read a lot on this site about table saws and everyone is asking what they should buy but I have been bamboozled by all the info.

I need a table saw that is going to be very precise as my projects are all small projects where I need to be mm perfect. I need a really good fence. A cast iron table top is also a must as I must prefer this to the aluminium tops. I also need a table saw that can have a dado stack when required.

I'm don't need a sliding carriage etc, and I'm not too fussed about size however my workshop is in my house so it needs to fit through doorways etc.

I am happy to go for a second hand machine and I would rather pay a little more for quality and precision, I want to spend about £500 - £700 (unless I need to spend more)

I have had a look at a SIP 01332, but am very unsure if this will suit my needs.

Thank you, and sorry for another table saw question.
The need to be able to fit a dado blade will restrict the choice a great deal. If this is a rare need for you, I would forget it and do the grooving by another means- router etc.

Any space restrictions- the big old cast iron behemoths of yesteryear would fit your needs of substantial fence, cast iron top and able to fit the dado but they are larger in size and many times heavier than the sip.

The Excalibur machines from woodford tooling/woodwork machinery are worth a look but will blow your budget and rarely come up for sale secondhand.
marcros":8x4g2ukb said:
The need to be able to fit a dado blade will restrict the choice a great deal. If this is a rare need for you, I would forget it and do the grooving by another means- router etc.

Any space restrictions- the big old cast iron behemoths of yesteryear would fit your needs of substantial fence, cast iron top and able to fit the dado but they are larger in size and many times heavier than the sip.

The Excalibur machines from woodford tooling/woodwork machinery are worth a look but will blow your budget and rarely come up for sale secondhand.

I can live without the dado blade but would prefer to be able to have one. I just had a quick look online for an Xcalibur table saw but couldn't find one, only reviews and videos. Whereabouts would you find one?

Thank You,
Brilliant, Thank You

I was looking at the 10" Cabinet Saw, as on paper it looks like it fits all of my needs and looks like a nice strong sturdy machine

Does anyone have any experience with this? I just don't want to spend just over £1000 to find out the fence isn't perfect, or it is known for having problems with something.

Is there anything similar that anyone could point me in the direction of please,
I, and several others on here, have the Xcalibur 10" Cabinet Saw. It is superb and you won't hear anyone moan about them. Robust, good switch, excellent fence. dado-doable with a 5/8 arbor (but comes 30mm as standard). The rails are long, but they are only standard section steel, so fitting shorter ones is a doddle. You could cut down the originals if you wanted to.
Mine is the older model, but the new one has a left-tilt blade, which makes bevelled cuts safer, and the switch is on the left, which is also a better place for it.
Great saw.

I don't know anything about Harvey, but I'm pretty much certain that the Xcalibur is the only saw of its style available in the UK, although it itself is a clone of the Delta in the States. There used to be Deft saws also available, which were pretty much identical, but I don't think they trade any more.

There was an Xcalibur contractor saw on Ebay a few weeks ago being sold by Woodford themselves but has since been removed - ... true&rt=nc

I spoke to Roy about it as I was quite interested in one and was advised it was the only one of the non-cabinet type they currently had contrary to what is advertised on their website. I still might be tempted by one early next year...
I prefer the cabinet style saws, can't explain why.

I've been looking for a video of one so I can get a better look as the picture on Woodford's isn't very clear. I want to get a closer look at the fence and the internals of the machine. Is anyone able to take a couple of pics of there's for me, or point me in the right direction.

Thanks, Cat
Thanks Steve, was really good to see it in action

I need all your help to make my decision now,

So do I get a SIP 01332 for about £500 ish, but I am unsure if this can have a dado fitted, if anyone knows that would be great.

or do I stump up the extra and go for the Xcaliber?

Thank You
Only you can decide that, I'm afraid.
But if you go for the X, then you will not regret your purchase. The build quality between the two is HUGE. I'm not saying that the SIP is rubbish, there are people on here who are very happy with theirs, and you might be, too. I don't know if it will take a Dado, but I'd be surprised if it does. If it meets Euro standards only it will have a 30mm bore and that is that. Most Dado sets are made for the American market and so require a 5/8" arbor.
I had a Freud Safety Dado set and it was superb. Unfortunately it was one of the things stolen :(, but Woodford sell a dado stack, I've not seen it so I've no idea how good it is, but it is not expensive. Be aware that not all dado sets are equal. IIRC FWW did a comparative test some years ago. Might be worth a read if you really are interested.

Just a word of warning, though. Dado sets can be lethal. There is a huge mass of metal revolving at a pace. Just google for dado accidents. They can't be used with a Euro-type riving knife, which carries the guard, which means you have to build your own guard and you have to be prepared to attach and detach the RK when using the saw for different operations. I've written and filmed about this, if you are interested. Just don't use the American model for your standards, they use dado blades in a quite reckless manner.

My 2p.
Just to throw the cat amongst the pigeons, if the stuff you make is small could you use a radial arm saw?
Cat none of the SIP's will take a dado head cutter, as Steve says the Xcaliber is the only modern UK saw that will take one.


A radial arm saw would be ok, but I also make larger projects when someone wants a chest of draws or something.

I did use my table saw a lot until it broke. However that was just a cheapo car boot one, when I only needed something to cut wood.

Thanks for the suggestion, After talking to my partner I think we have both agreed on the Xcaliber. Next descion is do we go to the shop and see it or just buy it.
I think "shop" is quite a grand term for where Roy trades these days! :)
But yes, you can go and see it, he's an accommodating bloke.
But you could just save the petrol money (and spend it on some other, relevant, workshop resources :) ) and just buy it. You will not be disappointed.
There may be better saws on the market, but you will probably have to spend double the money to see any real improvement in quality.
Hey, you could have a super Crimbo pressie!
Fair enough, I will give him a shout tomorrow and order one, Is it worth mentioning this site?

Thank you for all your help
Yes, all traders like to know where their sales come from. You could even mention my name if you felt so inclined. It won't get you a discount but it all oils the wheels!


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