What Droogs says is basically quite true. Some of the rules and regs here are quite "intrusive"/"restrictive", depending on your point of view.
The rule Droogs is talking about refers to the fact that a block of flats here has one (or more depending on size) washing machine/dryer provided as a communal facility for all tenants. To ensure "fair play" all round, there's a rota system and each tenant/family has a specific day/time to use those facilities (include indoor drying space too).
The reason for the ban on use after "X pm" is like the ban on the use of your own shower/bath after "X pm" and is (I think) because some flats, especially the older properties, have a central heat/steam extractor which often seems to work it's way up through the centre of the building and is sometimes quite noisy. The idea of that is so that people who need to be early risers, shift workers, etc,etc, can get a good nights sleep. I've experienced that myself in 2 (older) flats) but not in the brand new one we rented. But still only my guesswork though.
Restrictive of "personal liberty"? Yes certainly, but the counter argument is "in the interests of the majority". NOT easy to live with when you first come here I agree, and one is a bit "taken aback" after living in, say, UK. But you learn to live with it (or not) like a number of other restrictive rules here. "Rough with the smooth" and all that.
Re your own washing machine in kitchen (or bathroom) I've never come across that one before (lived in 3 flats here total, before buying own house) and we always had our own so as not to use the communal facilities. Suggest that was a rule within the tenancy agreement brought in by that particular buildings owner (though tenancy agreements are "standardised" - per Kanton - in general here.
As in my previous post on this subject, there's a lot to "love" here, AND a lot to "hate" - just like everywhere else I've lived!
I'm not defending the above, just trying to explain it. If you're "footloose and fancy free" (???) like my wife and I were, you just get used to living with and more or less "accepting" all sorts of funny things. But I can well image that some people would find it difficult to accept such "petty restrictions" - e.g. NO mowing your lawn on a Sunday!!!!!!!!!!! (true).