And people wonder why they get their identities nicked...

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Welcome to the forum, do I have to open with a salute?

Your comments re the store card points the way things most probably will go in the future. I myself am suffering under the burden in trying to remember which pin number or id number is to be used for which financial transaction, because I refuse to use one code for every card or bank system.
devonwoody":u60hdvea said:
, because I refuse to use one code for every card or bank system.

Why, dw? Just curious as I do use the same number.

Prior to that I kept a business card in my wallet with the names and telephone numbers of my "squash ladder partners". Brian (aka Barclaycard) was 02074029425, Trevor (aka TSB) was 02087926758 etc etc. Pretty secure as even if the wallet was nicked and someone thought that these were PINS they still need to know which numbers from each phone number to use.
perhaps I am inclined to be a little paranoid but if you only have one number (0207) and your security is broken they have the key to everything and that means a lot of trouble if you heard about the Argos man incident. Also if I was in the con game I would be telephoning every telephone number in any ones address book to find which numbers dont add up. :idea:
dw..I see your point but not sure how they will break the security if the PIN isn't written down and/or you take other precautions such as not letting anyone look over your shoulder.

Re telephone numbers...even if 02074029425 doesn't work, which are the right four digits? 0207? Nope. 2074 maybe ...nope. 2709...nope..You get my drift?
Keep it simple I reckon is the answer. I use one credit card, which I clear each month, and one current account debit card. I use the same pin number, which is not written down anywhere, for both and have never had a problem - so far. I don't bother with store cards as I can't see the point of them 'cos from what I gather they can only be used in the named store. I don't buy anything now unless I have the money in the bank ready and waiting because I absolutely detest giving away money in interest charges.

If I make a costly purchase where the item and price suits me and I can take advantage of 'interest free credit' for a period then I do so, leaving my money in one of my savings accounts to earn a bit until it is time to pay up. With credit cards being so easy to pick up, I have also been known to 'tart' the cost of a major item so as to keep my money earning for me for perhaps another year or so. The general philosophy being to hang on to my money for as long as I can to let it earn a bit, without incurring any interest payments - probably the equivalent of a couple of decent free tools each year. Mind you, raising a family in years gone by it wasn't always thus! But I've learnt to use these institutions to my advantage, not theirs, now, as I reckon they took plenty off me before I saw the light. :wink:

:oops: 'Pologies. Wandered at bit OT there. So I won't start on so-called 'loyalty' cards. :twisted:


Sounds to me that Mr. Rockefeller has returned, well done. :)

My Bank yesterday sent me a letter asking me to remember a number for security reasons to do transactions on the telephone. It goes on and on. Post office pension wants one as well, airline tickets now need a number when you arrive at certain airports. . Nat. insurance number cant be used as a pin, nor your telephone number.
Ten numbers would be a low count, I reckon.

One number makes it easy to steal your identity.
don't forget that the banks will try to wriggle out of anything, and if you have your numbers written down and about your person, they will
probably not want to help out.

recently someone nicked my makro card details to buy a tv, and then
not pay for the licence. now you know what a pain in the backside those guys are. fortunately i had already got a licence, or who knows.
makro were kind of good in that they cancelled my card and gave me a new one. its only a trade card but still same problems. the tv licensing people did not follow up after my first letter.

as for someone ringing you, even when they are from the bank you do not have to talk to them. and you do not have to ring them back no matter how they insist you do.

my response is to write to them and ask them to issue me with a letter confirming in writing that they will allow me to release the information. they never reply.

if someone rings you they are probably trying it on, unless you owe the bucks in which case you can still deal in writing.

the bummer is we all pay the price of this enhanced security problem because the costs of products go up as companies get ripped off more and more.

paul :wink:
just remembered some more numbers,
Car registration numbers (around 30 or so of them) :(
House number (around 7 of them)

Ten numbers seem to have been rather optomistic :roll:

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