American style fridge freezers

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les chicken

Established Member
14 Feb 2005
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south wales
Planning the new kitchen cabinet doors and worktops the job is now escalating.

We are thinking of an american style fridge/freezer, Whirlpool 20rld4 is the favorite at the moment.

Any members have any preferences or experience of these beasties. Any comments would be gratefully appreciated.

I was amazed at the loss of internal space to the water/ice dispenser in this type of appliance. Unless it's absolutely essential to have this, I'd rather put a couple of bottles and ice trays inside and gain the space, with no need to plumb in.

I haven't invested in one yet but have been looking. I agree with Ray forget the waste of bells and whistles we only ever drink filtered water from the tap anyway. I was almost taken by the Samsungs that are floating about at a very good price but seem to have lots of issues. my research showed up a worrying lack of spares in the country and to be honest the fact I might need any spares is putting me off.
Once again I would advise using john lewis...two year gaurentee on electrical and they only tend to stock reliable gear. If you have a problem you cannot be with a better retailer and research suggests these these particular beasts do have probs...can't speak for the actual whirlpool though.

Any members have any preferences or experience of these beasties.

They use an awful lot more juice than your average fridge freezer. My neighbours missus insisted on having one. Great idea - until it was in the kitchen. Now they haven't got space to sit round the dining table properly! I've just done my kitchen. I went for a Liebherr (CTPES3213)- no knobs, bells or whistles, just perfectly nailed together in W. Germany. The stainless cladding has a perfect finish and not a ripple to be seen.,
There do some very nice american styles appliances, pricewise on a par with Maytag etc. i.e. premium quality stuff. I'll be disaapointed if mine doesn't keep going for at least 15 years if not 20 (like LEC's used to be). Miele refridgeration generally regarded as benchmark quality, is actually made by Liebherr for them.

If you haven't found this site already, have a trawl through


We got this one in our new kitchen. Plenty of space and there are six of us in the house. When I was building the house I plumbed in the water line from the sink filtered water system. We're delighted with ours.
Vertical freeszers are much less energy efficient than horizontal models as all the cold air flows out as soon as you open the door. if the model is a single compressor type too frequent opening of one causes 'tother to get too cold.
The biggest downside is the cost if anything goes wrong, you can lose both units at once.
Separate units is much more flexible, if you have to renew one, fair enough, but two together can be pricey.

We have a Hotpoint that was in the house when we bought it. We think it was new in 1997. Had a warranty call in 2001 (5 year warranty) but it's been fine since. The fridge side is superb, the freezer side is too narrow and won't hold a pizza (not that we ever eat pizza, but you might). If you want to freeze your own veg and so on, get something more suitable - the side by side units are simply large ice-boxes.

Unless you have a ton of American friends, forget the ice-maker. It takes up way too much space and unless it's in constant use will gradually accumulate grunge from the water in the bottom of the dispenser - in our case bright green from the copper pipes. Yuck. However, the cold water dispenser is really great....
Yes american style fridge freezers are nice and look good. and the new ones are efficient .

When we were looking for for an asff we found that they had not yet addopted to eurostyle measurements 59cm wide and 60cm deep,

at that time they were about 96cm wide and 76 deep, which when planning a kitchen is not workable, especially the depth is something that is a BIG opstackle. now new ones are more like euro norms (so when choosing one, make sure you buy the new eurostyle ASFF

We found this simply the best sollution


It are two normal AEG fridges type santo, with one door opening to the left and the other to the right, top doors are fridges, bottom doors are freezers.

I have put them on a plint to make them more accessable, (we also did that with our ASFF)

This gives me more space then an ASFF and it is all within euronorm sizes, so the fridge doesn't stick out at the front

We are a famely of 5 and we found that one fridge would not be enough

This gives is just enough space :lol:

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