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Amazon liquidation pallet


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Established Member
25 May 2007
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West Cumbria
An advert (below) popped onto my infrequently used Facebook page.
Is it legitimate or a scam.

🎃Halloween Mega Sale🎃】MIXED TOOLS PALLET – LOT ID: 240827 – Untested Customer Return💥
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐4.9 (10286 Reviews)
✅ Worldwide Shipping ✅ 100% Satisfaction ✅ Cruelty Free
Regular price £55.00
Scam don't touch it unless you want to add your address to a list of live Facebook people/addresses which could be passed on for other nefarious deeds
The definitive test for

"Is it a scam"


"Is it too good to be true?"

If it is then walk away. You'll save yourself a lot more grief than missed bargains.
"Is it a scam" ...... "Is it too good to be true?"
Yes..that why I asked the question and I will wait on any replies saying "I did it, it worked, go for it".
You stand a better chance here than most places admittedly, although I'm still a new boy.

I'd still be waiting for the catch though.

Basically I wouldn't do it. YMMV.
Amazon returns pallets are available about 90 miles from me for £50 - 60 but no delivery.

I've toyed with the idea of getting one but so far resisted.

SWINBO's Aunt has tried and said she made some money.
Don't dream of a golden goose, imagine a palletfull of all the same useless tool that buyers have rejected because it doesn't work as they hoped. Now, how are you going to sell those on ?
Your postage cost will be as high as some others are charging for them with free delivery !
What's the delivery cost? Then you have the cost of selling stuff on, packing and so on.
If you decide to do it, then good luck, but as I have implied, I can't see it being a good deal myself. Certainly not a guarantee of any return.
There are a few folks on YouTube who have made videos of buying these kinds of pallets and then opening them up. Thankfully they made some money on the video as they find a few things worth selling on and a cart load of rubbish they then had to deal with.