Am I the only person depressed by the number of comments with gender or racial stereotypes in them?

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To avoid misunderstanding: "Woke" is a technical term used by you right-wingers and means nothing to normal people. It's like a secret language. Does it also involve funny hand shakes?

so anyone right wing is "not normal", does funny handshakes and has secret speak....................... someones a bit paranoid I think. I can't blame you with the impending implosion of your beloved party.

Some may think you are trying to turn a thread into a hot political topic, I suggest it's move to your gangs hidey hole threads.
If I am offended, which is very very rare, I just walk away because I realise it's my problem and not the offender. The logic being that if the same 'offence' was applied to a group of people, then some would be offended and some would not, therefore it's not the 'offence' at fault.
The only time I've taken offence recently was when a retail worker called me "bro". However I'm middle class and white and use the term woke. so it must be me.
Here is an example of the level of politically correct madness that is occuring.

Last week the American congress used the term "Birthing people". Really, in an actual debate.
Presumably this was intended to not "offend" Women, who are the exact definition of "birthing people", the only people who can give birth and are already described as such by the word Woman.

Just insane.

Here is an example of the level of politically correct madness that is occuring.

Last week the American congress used the term "Birthing people". Really, in an actual debate.
Presumably this was intended to not "offend" Women who are the exact definition of "birthing people", the only people who can give birth and are already described as such by the word Woman.

Just insane.

Insane I agree.
But so what - it's not as though there's a move afoot to describe women universally as "birthing people". :ROFLMAO: Here today gone tomorrow.
Why does it worry you particularly?
PS just spotted it - Daily Mail and The Sun - which means it's 100% cobblers. Best thing to do is to stop reading them.
a lot of people, like me would only see humour and not even realise a joke was stereotypical, political correctness has gone to far and humour is no longer possible without offending someone, I'll just stick to being a grumpy old sod and not smile at anything.
Insane I agree.
But so what - it's not as though there's a move afoot to describe women universally as "birthing people". :ROFLMAO: Here today gone tomorrow.
Why does it worry you particularly?

But surely then you shouldn't get so agitated about being called woke, it's not as though there is a move afoot to descibe all lefty labour candidates as "wokers" (no need, they can balls it up without help) here today gone tomorrow, why does it worry you particularly?

Just spotted that "woke hijack story in the guardian, which means it's 100% cobblers, best think to do is stop reading it.
Insane I agree.
But so what - it's not as though there's a move afoot to describe women universally as "birthing people". :ROFLMAO: Here today gone tomorrow.
Why does it worry you particularly?
PS just spotted it - Daily Mail and The Sun - which means it's 100% cobblers. Best thing to do is to stop reading them.

Please do not accuse me of reading the Daily mail or the Sun, I shall certainly be offended !!
It is certainly cobblers, at least in one way, though it did in fact happen, can`t remember where I saw the video now.

It doesn`t worry me particularly, in fact it is hilarious. However I am concerned that people are becoming so scared to offend anyone that they are making up a language that is so preposterous it makes no sense at all.
Things like some people are referring to themselves in the singular as "they", this makes no sense to me.

Though of course my opinion is somewhat moot as a straight white man. I just like doing woodwork, until that becomes offensive to people identifiying as trees.

Just lobbing this grenade in......

My wife and I were talking over dinner the other night and she mentioned the statue meant to honour the feminist icon Mary Wollstonecraft. She said that numerous people had commented about the naked lady on top of the statue and how prominent her 'lady garden' was and that it looked like a clump of broccoli....and I said that it was because she had a vegina.

You might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb - and if you're offended ......... BITE ME!
Though of course my opinion is somewhat moot as a straight white man. I just like doing woodwork, until that becomes offensive to people identifiying as trees.

Don't you mean 'a linear, unwoke, non person of colour'? ;)
Best thread I have read in ages. I will, henceforth, also identify as a " linear, unwoke, person of non-colour " in censuses.
But why, what on earth are you talking about? Or could say why not if it keeps you happy.
It doesn't mean anything - it's like a secret masonic language, made up and for some reason making people angry.
Maybe people just like feeling angry?
In fact, come to think, making people angry is the selling point of the Daily Mail, The Sun and others. A very old press tradition!
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I've lived all over the country and in various countries in the world. People do now seem to be better travelled and more exposed to other cultures than they were 30 or 40 years ago. In my experience, those regional stereotypes don't hold true. I think it's a good thing some of those very offensive comments from 30 or 40 years ago have gone to the grave.

I suspect it's easier to ignore and move on if you, your family or friends aren't the butt of the joke.

The language is mostly in the joke forum, but it's not only there. The Brexit and Covid threads have also lead to various derogatory comments being made about the people of other countries - less about the colour of their skin, but about their stereotypical national characteristics.
When I was a young lad in school in a small Yorkshire village the saying was ,sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me , I think it's sad that we live in such a fragile and easily offended world today.
Jacob Jacob Jacob

Over the last few years I recall many posts from yourself that showed zero consideration for other peoples feelings.

I know that I have also contributed my share of suchlike posts but when it has become apparent that I have hurt peoples feelings I have usually ended up apologising (not on every post but the majority) and not wait for a ban like some do.

The consideration bat works both ways, people constantly ramming "WOKE" agendas down my throat IS something I find highly offensive yet those who endorse them deem it as being OK to do. It really is not OK to do but the "WOKE" brigade are not one bit concerned that they are being all righteous condescending racist bigots.

I take offence at people who try to belittle our wonderful nation, I think it is hurtful when people try to rewrite the history of this fantastic country, I abhor racism of any kind yet find that due to "WOKISM" I have to listen daily to the so called white privilege in this country. I have the EXACT same entitlements in this FREE country of ours that any other legal person has be they white green purple black brown or yellow and it is for that very reason I feel highly offended when the "WOKE" brigade start demanding that I apologise for things that happened hundreds of years ago.

The "WOKISM" is fuelling racism by their actions it may not be intentional but does not mean it is not happening, who will they blame when the powder keg finally blows up?. Hopefully Jacob you are right and people do actually start to wake up and see the harm that is being done with the stupid demands. Just look at all of the so called sexes There are many different gender identities, including male, female, transgender, gender neutral, non-binary, agender, pangender, genderqueer, two-spirit, third gender, and all, none or a combination of these, I would hate to be the registrar filling out the birth certificate.

"WOKISM" does not end there they want to insult, offend and hurt me more as they do not want me to call my children son or daughter, they want the words male, female removed from existence as well as boy & girl, sadly it is a slippery slope and we are right at the top of it. Not once have I been asked what my views are instead the "WOKE" brigade can tell me that my views do not matter as they would be wrong, in fact they do not tell me I am wrong they shout that I am wrong, then they shout some more and smash up a few things whilst still shouting at me I am wrong, I feel hurt by that as it insults my intelligence and it will also be insulting the intelligence of the majority of people in this amazing nation we all live in and if someone brings it up we then get accused of being insensitive and not taking others into account that may be hurt.

I am not going to say any more on this thread as I have covered the points I wanted to, it is each to there own and peoples views differ, the above are my views and as such Jacob I am totally sure you will not try and ram over and over again your opposing views down my throat especially now that you are aware that I do feel hurt, offended and insulted by anything "WOKE"
Well said
From now on I want you all to call me Lorretta, I want to have babies..............................

You can't have babies, but it's not your fault.
Howabout, you can have the right to have babies, even if you can't ?
There is a phoney culture war created by the right wing media.

It's a handy deflection......let's all be angry about statues then we won't notice the govt giving out billions on bogus contracts.
This tops it all never heard more clap trap go read the guardian
What set off this Daily Mail style hysteria in this thread? Very strange! Something must have frightened them.
What is "woke"? What is "the culture war"?
Why is TN taking such an interest in "Critical Race Theory"? Can't say I'd ever heard of it.
I looked up "Cultural Marxism" - seems its a loony right wing fringe thing
'Cultural Marxism': a uniting theory for rightwingers who love to play the victim | Jason Wilson
Interesting stuff all new to me! Cultural Marxism conspiracy theory - Wikipedia
The things you learn on a woodwork forum! :ROFLMAO: Thanks for that chaps, makes it all worthwhile!
Left wing
What set off this Daily Mail style hysteria in this thread? Very strange! Something must have frightened them.
What is "woke"? What is "the culture war"?
Why is TN taking such an interest in "Critical Race Theory"? Can't say I'd ever heard of it.
I looked up "Cultural Marxism" - seems its a loony right wing fringe thing
'Cultural Marxism': a uniting theory for rightwingers who love to play the victim | Jason Wilson
Interesting stuff all new to me! Cultural Marxism conspiracy theory - Wikipedia
The things you learn on a woodwork forum! :ROFLMAO: Thanks for that chaps, makes it all worthwhile!
No it's driven by the hard left read the wiki article properly and read the guardian
Good job it's not illegal. You'd have to lock up complete ar*eholes of all races for judging others on a matter so trite as skin colour, accent, language or cultural difference rather than humanity, intelligence, kindness etc. And that's in a world wher you have access to all the knowledge of history with the internet at your fingertips. That's ironic no? Lol.
There'd be no room in the prisons for that amount of feckin class 1 idiots. They are everywhere.
I've been listening to BBC Radio 4 - A History of the World in 100 Objects - Downloads A History of the world in a 100 objects. While the time scales will blow your sense of history out of the water, the one common theme is that if as a species we were not eating, having sex or raising children then for the entirety of human history we having been killing the other humans for not being the same as us.

View attachment 110328

When the Kush people (Sudan) finally got a chance to smash the Egyptians they only had a couple of centuries to knock a hole in 1000s of years of Egyptian tradition. What they did was adopt Egyptian traditions and just modify it. Why? Easiest way to stay in charge. Simple as that. The people of Egypt were already under control. Why rock the boat?
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