Advice -Hanging and treating a Sapele Hardwood Gate?

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28 May 2009
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Hi All

I purchased a Sapele gate some years ago cheap and built a side entrance wall to fit it allowing for some 4x2 as posts.
I was thinking if doorstop back then but now want it flush and simple.

I have now ended up with 44mm x 40mm posts ti hang gate on with Hook & Band Cranked hinges.

The only size that will fit the the 40mm posts now are 400mm/16” at 38mm on the hook plates.
Anything bigger than 16”’is 40mm BUt I could cut them/drill new mountings etc etc. and make them for……

The gate is quite heavy and it 913mm W x 1710 H.

I have been told in DIY forums and a reputable gate making company that 16”/400mm is fine for domestic use at this height and width.

Or do fit x3???

Part2 -the gate was originally finished in Sikkens 7 Mahogany ober 10’years and I thought it looked ok as is just a bit dull.

I had it out for a light wash in detergent today and was astounded as how stunning it looked when wet!

So my other point is so I continue with Sikkens 7 Mahogany or will I be dissatisfied at it may not be ‘glossy’ enough.
I have Googled/watched videos and views samples but it looks dull to me???

I have attached some pics which show gate as is, as is with some 4x2 tantalised i was going to use as supports/pillars.
Plus a pic of the gate cleans and wet with a stunning gloss like finish.
Also attached is the pic of width of post with a rule that the hinge pin bracket needs to attach too.

Any thoughts or ideas are MUCH appreciated!


Regardless how you treat it, I would find something to cap the end grain at the top of the stiles with. That's where the ingress of water will be and where the rot will start - right in the joints.
It looks a bit like a cut down door. If you use a hook and band or t strap hinge they should fix to the ledges not just through the boarding. I think three 4" door hinges would be ok, use stainless or brass ones fix two at the top 4-6" apart and one at the bottom. I agree with Phil about the end grain, you could nail a thin strip of wood, plastic or metal to cover the top of the gate, also leave a generous gap at the bottom so it can dry after rain.
Think he wants to use 16" gate hinges.

I would just use 2 top and bottom. 3rd one will look odd imho.
It does seem a shame to use band style hinges on a nice gate like that but fitting butt hinges will be much harder work although probably worth the effort if you can do it.

As said the band style hinge should really go on the ledges, the top one is going to look a bit high up especially when you get the door lifted about 25mm (at least) off the floor.

Sikkens is good stuff but not a gloss finish and because it is coloured the more coats you put on the more it just looks like brown paint.

And don't make the opening too tight as the gate will probably swell up a bit.
That looks from the pictures to be a very tight fit, no matter what type of hinge you fit you will need to have space for the gate to be be able to swing open and close .Hook and band type hinges or T strap would imho look naff and out of place on that gate(and the gap needed would be bigger) , if it was mine i would take the extra time and effort to fit 3 quality stainless or brass butt hinges . Using sapele posts would also look better.