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Sheffield Tony":1xomngt7 said:
We aren't getting so much for free. As they say, if you aren't paying, it's because you are the product. We provide the content, that attracts the viewers to the adverts. Without our posts, no advertising revenue.

And I block them rather than ignore them because they are not just distracting they are a waste of bandwidth.

And there is the truth of the matter - advertising revenue should be paid to the posters. In fact, advertisers should just pay us directly for the chore of having us exposed to their ads. I wonder if you could make it work as a business model? Log on, view ads, prove you are a human being, get paid. Good for the advertiser; good for you. Someone probably already does it.
Apart from all the "admin" involved, (not to mention "selecting" which members will be paid for posting on which topics), I really do think (personal opinion) that the idea of paying members to post is not only daft but runs completely against the "idea"/"ethic" of this Forum.

I look at it like this - down the pub there's a bloke I know who's a red hot chippy/plasterer/plumber/machinist (or whatever). If I ask him a question and he digs me out of a hole then I may well buy him a pint (to thank him, and because he's physically standing there at the bar with me).

But if someone answers a Q I have posted on here then I thank him on here and that's it - end of. I do that on the basis that tomorrow or next week/year someone will come along with a Q that I can help with, so I answer to the best of my ability. And so it goes on "round and round and round"!

Sorry, but to me the idea that "someone" should pay me (and everyone else?) for posting here really is nothing more than selfish nonsense!

If you want to sell your particular expertise then you should write a book, write a mag article, post your own blog, make YouTube vids, etc. I have done (the first two) and IMO it's not worth the candle (or the pressure). But if you feel otherwise, fine, by all means go to it, but please don't "whine" about getting paid for posting here. Complete rubbish IMO.
I think they were being flippant/ tongue in cheek, AES. I don't think anyone is seriously suggesting getting paid to post on a forum!
Indeed. Though we provide the content that attracts the ad revenue, it pays for the service. Mutually beneficial, I guess.

What I don't know is how much UKW costs (thougb I have a very good idea how much a slightly smaller forum costs because I pay the bill for one) or how much the ad revenue is (because I don't have ads).
Put up with the adverts.
Here's the thing. Without adverts UKW disappears.
So if adverts bother you, learn to take advantage and manipulate the advertisers.
Every few days click on Victorias Secret website.

All your bases are ours.
Now all your adverts are attractive females in tasteful underwear. You can live with that ffs.
Win win. Everyone wins.
Thanks for your support MikeG. I must have been having a sense of humour failure last night and read the idea as "serious" but no doubt you're right and it was just tongue in cheek. Thanks.

Edit for P.S. If as MikeG has said, your tongue was in your check re being paid for posting here Sheffield Tony, then I unreservedly apologise for my "Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells" post yesterday.
I was half tongue in cheek. I don't think I suggested we should be paid to post, others took what I said and built on it. But the adage that if you're not paying for it, it's because you are the product is more true of social media like FB - you don't pay because their business is not providing you with a site on which to chatter and share photos of your cat, it is selling access to you to their advertisers.

True to some extent of fora too. You can have your own forum for free, if you are willing to accept the hosting company spattering it with advertising. Point being we don't need to be too pathetically grateful and put up uncomplainingly with whatever advertising is pressed on us.

No offence at all taken BTW !