I`m confused.
Anyone who knows me will tell you that this statement is not news, just my version of saying things are as usual.
But my new confusion relates to the term ` Reality TV` .
Especially the `Reality` bit.
Now i don`t watch Big Brother or the like, i would rather read an out of date Belgian bus timetable or gnaw my own spleen, but as i understand it is about watching a group of dysfunctional bozo`s passing the time away in a house .(gnaw gnaw). And i`ve seen the clips of George Galloway in his leotard trying to be a cat ????
And he is an MP .!!!!!
Now the only link i can see with reality is that this is akin to the 18th century practice of watching the inmates at Bedlam lunatic asylum.
So, how far down do we need to dumb ?
It seems that with nearly everything we aim for the lowest common denominator and then start digging.
Vacuous drivel.
On a lighter note.....
More pointless tv but amusing rather than infuriating.
It`s called `Rural TV` and is on sky channel 279.
It`s so bad that it`s funny.
It describes itself as the most exciting new channel.
This is some new meaning of the word exciting that, so far, i have been unaware of.
It will puzzle you, make you think ` what the **ck ? ( that word could be heck, and not the one you`re thinking of !!), make you smile or laugh. And sometimes, amid all the rubbish, you will will find a gem. Like a run of programmes following the newsreader Bill Turnbull in his apiary.
Other programmes include such titles as :-
`Quilt in a day`.................promises to be a white knuckle ride
`Cowboy Church`............. :duno:
`The Wilburn Brothers Show`.....Rather strange, and play banjo`s.
`Classic tractor fever`........ not one of the life threatening fevers i suspect.
`Brazil Ag Report`............. The one we`ve all been waiting for.
I`m thinking of making a few programmes myself to go on this channel.
The eagerly anticipated `1001 things to do with a broken screwdriver`
The riveting `World of rivets`
The truly exciting ` Worm casts from around the world`
A documentary about ear lobes.
And `Cooking with Cornflakes` Make a delicious 3 course meal from this tasty and versatile breakfast dish.
What do you think ?