A simple garden chainsaw mill


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I think this will live or die by the standard of chain used, a poorly or unevenly sharpened chain will find it's own way through the log and any attempt to hold it straight will only result in jamming.

That said I have planked cherry and yew free hand ( albeit with a large petrol chainsaw ) it wasn't perfect and would have needed a lot of finishing if used for any kind of fine work but because the chain was sharpened evenly it cut straight boards.

If you're prepared to take your time ( and it sounds like you're prepared for this ) I think it'll work just fine, be good to see pictures of the progress and any results.
I've finalised the plans and almost completed the woodwork. Just the chainsaw guide to go now which I'll be making out of steel.




And an animation of the above 4 images:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmS1SeDqLhw

I'll post proper photos in a day or two and a short video of the first few cuts.



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Walney Col":2wlin229 said:
I've finalised the plans and almost completed the woodwork. Just the chainsaw guide to go now which I'll be making out of steel.

Amazing drawings! You're seriously specifying 299.3mm as a measurement for part of something to be made of wood? Something wooden that's going to be stored outside? Really?

Sorry if I sound incredulous, disrespectful, ignorant, mocking or any combination thereof, but fractions of a millimetre? Good luck with that.
Julian":bryc5nci said:
Sorry if I sound incredulous, disrespectful, ignorant, mocking or any combination thereof, but fractions of a millimetre? Good luck with that.

You probably does not realise how precisely he can cut a 308.7 mm slot.

A few light strokes with a round file should be sufficient to finesse that. Either that or undo the nuts and adjust the whole back.

:wink: :lol:
Walney Col":160yekbz said:
Is that honestly the most intelligent thing you have to say Julian, because if it is you really are thick.

OK. It was my attempt at humour. I was gently ribbing you about the incongruity of a drawing showing a wood based item with a key distance specified as 299.3mm. At least I read your post and spent time looking at your images. You have to admit that there is something a little rum about some of the measurements in the diagrams. I like numbers and I understand 300mm. But I don't get 299.3mm. What has happened to that 0.7mm? Has it been removed for a reason I don't see?

The danger is that such computerised drawings convey the impression of professionalism and validity because they are superficially correct. All the numbers add up. All the pieces fit. But surely no even half-trained draughtsman would ever produce such a work. To my eyes it is a nonsense, beyond parody.

The reason for challenging you on this is to protect the uninitated, who may look upon your drawings as things to be emulated, and point out the absurdities therein. If it prompts you to master the CAD program and produce sensibly dimensioned drawings in future then my time on earth will not have been wasted!

DISCLAIMER: I make no assertions about the quality of my own work. My failings are many & varied.
I think you missed the part where I said that the back is positioned using a 308.7 mm slot (second picture). :wink:

If he just made it a 308 / 309 mm slot it would cure the problem of fractional mm measurements. The measurement of the slot is probably not so critical in the overall scheme of things.
Julian. Can I suggest that you do some research on Sketchup before embarrassing yourself further?
Can I suggest reading the thread, including the admission to the attempt at humour, before being judgemental.
He wasn't funny, just sarcastic and condescending.

Julian":1iewoccz said:
The reason for challenging you on this is to protect the uninitated, who may look upon your drawings as things to be emulated, and point out the absurdities therein. If it prompts you to master the CAD program and produce sensibly dimensioned drawings in future then my time on earth will not have been wasted!
Grayorm":5qw95b1j said:
Julian. Can I suggest that you do some research on Sketchup before embarrassing yourself further?

I am not embarassed. I'm not putting out ridiculous drawings exhibiting delusional claims of accuracy and resolution. 299.3mm for heaven's sake! What kind of idiotic, innumerate rubbish is that?

The package the OP is using is irrelevant. My judgement of the drawing should not be tempered by the knowledge of the quirks of the software used to produce it. If Sketchup cannot perform correctly and enough people complain then maybe it'll get changed. Or maybe not.
Grayorm":2h9zflhd said:
He wasn't funny, just sarcastic and condescending.

Julian":2h9zflhd said:
The reason for challenging you on this is to protect the uninitated, who may look upon your drawings as things to be emulated, and point out the absurdities therein. If it prompts you to master the CAD program and produce sensibly dimensioned drawings in future then my time on earth will not have been wasted!

That was after I was called thick!

To the OP: Sorry for hi-jacking your thread and causing a bit of a ruckus in the middle there. I'll away back to the hand tools area now and keep quiet for a bit. Perhaps I'll go down to the workshop and start a fight with myself over sharpening!
Julian":1di6cbqv said:
...If Sketchup cannot perform correctly and enough people complain then maybe it'll get changed. Or maybe not.

Nothing wrong with Sketchup's maths, as far as I know, just an arbitrary fractional measurement caused by the semi circular end of a slot.

There is another fractional measurement elsewhere in the plan (413.7 mm) but who really cares about a difference in size which is possibly smaller than a saw kerf.

0.7mm is less than 1/32 of an inch.

(Amended quote ... deleted wrong part of original text)
You have mis quoted me there nanscombe I never wrote that.

Edit. Mis-quote corrected, thank you.
nanscombe":gjctm7iw said:
Grayorm":gjctm7iw said:
He wasn't funny, just sarcastic and condescending.

And your motivation was ... what?

My motivation was that no-one in their right mind would expect that the OP was suggesting that you cut wood to a tenth of a millimetre. Julian picked up on what was a totally irrelevant point and used it to attack the OP and his post, which he has done again since. Hoping to prove to all how clever he is.

The OP has obviously put a great deal of effort into the design and no doubt the making of this project. I personally am not a fan of his idea but am waiting with interest to see the outcome. I would not have dreamed of making sarcastic, insulting and scathing remarks to try and score points on the forum.
Grayorm":31omwfhg said:
You have mis quoted me there nanscombe I never wrote that.

Okey dokey, amended quote.

Of course, since it is probably an arbitrary measurement all the OP actually has to do is to drop the whole back assembly by .7 mm, or raise it by .3mm, (assuming a mouse / trackpad within the necessary accuracy), retake the pictures and amend the rogue measurement. Alternatively, just not bother.

Grayorm":31omwfhg said:
... My motivation was that no-one in their right mind would expect that the OP was suggesting that you cut wood to a tenth of a millimetre. ...

The weird thing is that the measurement seems to be caused by the position of the back in relation to the base by use of a slot so that measurement, unless it is the maximum height, purely depends on the length of said slot in the wood anyway.
I was hoping the latest posts contained the promised video, rather than a load of rubbish about measurements.

I'm sure the OP could measure and cut that length to a tenth of a mm if he wanted though.
paulrockliffe":omhpel6c said:
I was hoping the latest posts contained the promised video, rather than a load of rubbish about measurements.

I'm sure the OP could measure and cut that length to a tenth of a mm if he wanted though.

Edited out a messed up reply to a totally different forum member. My appolgies if you've already sen it Paul, I was confusing you with someone else.
