A recommendation for conspiracists/people who understand things the rest of us don't


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That would be like the raves and parties that went on during Lockdown? The truth, I thought at the time, was a lot different. A few Downing St staff, having worked many hours away from home on the issues of the pandemic, were invited to small gatherings for a drink and nibbles. That was it. But. of course, it was blown out of proportion and the media made a meal out it.

That's not say that Boris is innocent of all the things he's been accused of, but the 'parties'? Nah. If they had have been parties, as reported, the attendees would have been very disappointed with the lack of a 'party' atmosphere.

Admittedly not my idea of a party but relative to what the rules said was allowed …

Guilty as charged!
1. You are correct; I shouldn't have.
2. Try reading it as irony - or sarcasm, your choice. Merely quoting Jacob over many years. Poe's law biting me on the proverbial once again.

I presume you were referring to this bit: " Us and Them is a very important way of understanding who you are and where you might fit in to society, and having swivel-eyed loons and gammons trying to tell you that black is white and up is down is, frankly, unsettling. Especially when you know, for a proven fact, that they are deranged imbeciles, which rather presupposes that the facts your certain knowledge is based on are valid and truthful facts."

But of course that doesn't lessen the crime, and I will flagellate myself repeatedly in an effort to conform.
Your repeated use of racial slurs leaves me with no doubt that you are indeed a racist.
That would be like the raves and parties that went on during Lockdown? The truth, I thought at the time, was a lot different. A few Downing St staff, having worked many hours away from home on the issues of the pandemic, were invited to small gatherings for a drink and nibbles. That was it. But. of course, it was blown out of proportion and the media made a meal out it.

That's not say that Boris is innocent of all the things he's been accused of, but the 'parties'? Nah. If they had have been parties, as reported, the attendees would have been very disappointed with the lack of a 'party' atmosphere.
I think in light of what the population was asked to go through, the parties, nibbles or whatever, were infuriating and literally illegal.

I agree in any normal setting and given human behaviour, they weren’t that bad but when people were dying scared and alone, old people alienated; it looked like a bunch of people in politics thinking they were just different and rules didn’t apply to them.
Have you a video of Starmer's Beer and Curry party? Maybe they didn't bother to make one as Angie wasn't there?

No sorry Phil I don’t have one.

As I recall though it was investigated by the Police and found to be within the rules.

I find it interesting (as someone who has no allegiance to either Labour or Conservative) that supporters of both often fall back on the excuse/justification of the wrongdoing of their camp by seeking to point to something the others did. It’s almost as if they think two wrongs make a right.
It is well documented that the landings took place
I didn't argue that the moon landing didn't take place (that's for another day). Some of the photos were doctored, though. For what reason we'll never know but NASA certainly put out photos that had been tampered with.
No sorry Phil I don’t have one.

As I recall though it was investigated by the Police and found to be within the rules.

I find it interesting (as someone who has no allegiance to either Labour or Conservative) that supporters of both often fall back on the excuse/justification of the wrongdoing of their camp by seeking to point to something the others did. It’s almost as if they think two wrongs make a right.
No, it's not justification, merely pointing out Starmer's arrant hypocrisy. That the police there were unbiased is debatable. I'm no Tory either.
Whether the moon landings took place or not I do not know, but is it not strange that NASA says they don't have the technology to go back, it's somehow been lost.
Whether the moon landings took place or not I do not know, but is it not strange that NASA says they don't have the technology to go back, it's somehow been lost.
52yrs ago and we haven't managed to do it again or even land probes there. Yet for some reason they keep talking about going to Mars? I guess we learnt everything we need to know about the moon in the early 1970's.
Have you a video of Starmer's Beer and Curry party? Maybe they didn't bother to make one as Angie wasn't there?
it was was a work event
it was after a day canvassing
there was no birthday cake, no suitcases of booze, no wife or interior designer or other mates present

there is no equivalence to the 20+ parties that were happening in no 10. I might add those parties were happening in Dec 2020 and Jan 2021 at the height of a major covid wave when hospitals were overflowing

you are a tribal Tory who who repeats anything the Daily Mail tells you to...........its awfully tedious TBH
I was going to suggest this, and several other recent threads, should be moved to Off-Topic II, but it's much too well-mannered for that.
Appreciate the sarcasm. : ) just tidied up a few less than helpful comments.
Whether the moon landings took place or not I do not know,
Really? We all know - how come you missed it? :ROFLMAO:
but is it not strange that NASA says they don't have the technology to go back, it's somehow been lost.
Of course they have "the technology".
If what you say has any sense at all it probably means they don't have the technology in a continuing state of readiness, not least because man on the moon is an utterly pointless exercise; an expensive and inefficient way of conducting space research.
PS see @JSW post above - "astronomically" expensive!
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No sorry Phil I don’t have one.

As I recall though it was investigated by the Police and found to be within the rules.

I find it interesting (as someone who has no allegiance to either Labour or Conservative) that supporters of both often fall back on the excuse/justification of the wrongdoing of their camp by seeking to point to something the others did. It’s almost as if they think two wrongs make a right.
I find it rather depressing that many use the argument that they are not as bad as the last lot.
Not a very high bar.
And is that really all we should aspire to?
It is almost as though we have become so used to it that we are prepared to accept s**t politicians, just so long as they are a bit less s**t than their predecessors.
We ought to be able to do better.
We need more erudite politicians like Kamala Harris -
“I think it’s very important for us at every moment in time, and certainly this one, to see the moment in time in which we exist and are present, and to be able to contextualise it, to understand where we exist in the history and in the moment as it relates not only to the past but the future.”
1. You are correct; I shouldn't have.
2. Try reading it as irony - or sarcasm, your choice. Merely quoting Jacob over many years. Poe's law biting me on the proverbial once again.

I presume you were referring to this bit: " Us and Them is a very important way of understanding who you are and where you might fit in to society, and having swivel-eyed loons and gammons trying to tell you that black is white and up is down is, frankly, unsettling. Especially when you know, for a proven fact, that they are deranged imbeciles, which rather presupposes that the facts your certain knowledge is based on are valid and truthful facts."

But of course that doesn't lessen the crime, and I will flagellate myself repeatedly in an effort to conform.
"I will flagellate myself repeatedly"
