And (mostly) women wonder why men hoard stuff - because we've all got stories about ditching an item only to need it within a short time period; mine is my Aunt (I did say mostly women) keeping "spare" stair spindles for 10 years, then eventually badgered into ditching them, only to have some eejit removal men break 3 getting an old bed and some furniture down the stairs 2 months later, iirc they ended up replacing the lot, and you can bet she has spares someplace

- we keep these things as "amulets / totems against breakage"
Several thing's I own (electronic items) I've bought 2 of, because I knew I'd have to replace it one day and wanted that exact same thing - for each of those, years later I'm still using the first one; this (quite expensive gaming keyboard, with some interesting features no longer being made) is about 10 years old now, still works just fine, gaming mouse, the same.