A Little Something


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SketchUp Guru

Established Member
12 Apr 2005
Reaction score
Rochester, MN USA
Here are a couple of pieces I've been doodling with lately. If I could get my shop cleaned up so I have room for some wood, I might actually get to build something. :roll:

A coffee table based on on by Jared Rusten. This is one of the options I've got for a table to go with our new sofa and chairs.


And this is something I've been working on for a few days. It still needs a bit of work but it's getting there.


Drawn in SU. Rendered in Kerkythea.
Interesting table Dave. I'm torn between liking or disliking it.

That render is fantastic. Especially the reflection in the glass on the doors. I still can't get to grips with kerkythea. Do you think you are confident enough to do a tutorial for the basics of Kerkythea yet? :wink:
Thank you Simon.

I'm still learning but I imagine I could come up with enough to get you going. I'm hoping for some time over the weekend to do it. If I do, I'll post it.
Nice!! Love the first design, kind of Nagashima styled.
And those renderings are shocking good - I'd second the call for a tutorial.
Thanks again,
Philly :D
I'm with the others on a tutorial. Try as I might I follow the instructions and still don't get the results - more importantly though I don't understand enough to work out what I'm doing wrong so can't work out what to tweak etc.

I think the table's success will be determined by its fit with your new sofa and chairs.


Thanks again, guys.

I'll see if I can work something up on going from SU to KT.

The table is only one of a couple of ideas and I need to wait until the furniture shows up before I get too crazy about "the" design.

FWIW here are pictures of the sofa and one of the chairs. Both are from Ekornes.


Quick design thought - sofa/ chair furniture timber quite curvy and organic - table very rectilinear.....


Depends if you meant it to be a contrast or look to be part of the same suite :wink:

